

单词 hydrophyte
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hydrophyte: hydrophytes
Naiad, hydriad. water on the brain. hydrocephalus. water on the chest. hydrothorax. water plant. aquatic, hydrophyte.
Flemming, Louis A., Putnam's Word Book(2010)
The species may indeed not be identical with European species, but they are all more or less closely allied to well-known Hydrophytes.
Hooker, J. D. (Joseph Dalton), Himalayan Journals — Complete(2010)
n a plant that grows partly or wholly in water whether rooted in the mud, as a lotus, or floating without anchorage, as the water hyacinth
aquatic plant, hydrophytic plant, water plant
any aquatic plant of the genus Ceratophyllum; forms submerged masses in ponds and slow-flowing streams
water lily
an aquatic plant of the family Nymphaeaceae
Ranunculus aquatilis, water buttercup, water crowfoot
plant of ponds and slow streams having submerged and floating leaves and white flowers; Europe and North America
cryptocoryne, water trumpet
any plant of the genus Cryptocoryne; evergreen perennials growing in fresh or brackish water; tropical Asia
Orontium aquaticum, golden club
aquatic plant of the southeastern United States having blue-green leaves and a spadix resembling a club covered with tiny yellow flowers
arrow arum
an aquatic plant of the genus Peltandra; North America
Pistia stratiotes, Pistia stratoites, pistia, water cabbage, water lettuce
pantropical floating plant forming a rosette of wedge-shaped leaves; a widespread weed in rivers and lakes
any small or minute aquatic plant of the family Lemnaceae that float on or near the surface of shallow ponds
Subularia aquatica, awlwort
small aquatic plant having tufted awl-shaped leaves in a basal rosette and minute white flowers; circumboreal
feather-foil, featherfoil
a plant of the genus Hottonia
water pimpernel
a white-flowered aquatic plant of the genus Samolus
water milfoil
an aquatic plant of the genus Myriophyllum having feathery underwater leaves and small inconspicuous flowers
caltrop, water chestnut, water chestnut plant
a plant of the genus Trapa bearing spiny four-pronged edible nutlike fruits
Menyanthes trifoliata, bog myrtle, bogbean, buckbean, marsh trefoil, water shamrock
perennial plant of Europe and America having racemes of white or purplish flowers and intensely bitter trifoliate leaves; often rooting at water margin and spreading across the surface
Eriocaulon aquaticum, pipewort
aquatic perennial of North America and Ireland and Hebrides having translucent green leaves in a basal spiral and dense buttonlike racemes of minute white flowers
Pontederia cordata, pickerel weed, pickerelweed, wampee
American plant having spikes of blue flowers and growing in shallow water of streams and ponds
Eichhornia crassipes, Eichhornia spesiosa, water hyacinth, water orchid
a tropical floating aquatic plant having spikes of large blue flowers; troublesome in clogging waterways especially in southern United States
Heteranthera dubia, mud plantain, water star grass
grassy-leaved North American aquatic plant with yellow star-shaped blossoms
naiad, water nymph
submerged aquatic plant having narrow leaves and small flowers; of fresh or brackish water
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, frog's-bit, frogbit
European floating plant with roundish heart-shaped leaves and white flowers
Hydrilla verticillata, hydrilla
submersed plant with whorled lanceolate leaves and solitary axillary flowers; Old World plant naturalized in southern United States and clogging Florida's waterways
American frogbit, Limnodium spongia
American plant with roundish heart-shaped or kidney-shaped leaves; usually rooted in muddy bottoms of ponds and ditches
a weedy aquatic plant of genus Elodea
Vallisneria spiralis, eelgrass, tape grass, wild celery
submerged aquatic plant with ribbonlike leaves; Old World and Australia
any of several submerged or floating freshwater perennial aquatic weeds belonging to the family Potamogetonaceae
Zostera marina, eelgrass, grass wrack, sea wrack
submerged marine plant with very long narrow leaves found in abundance along North Atlantic coasts
water starwort
any of several aquatic plants having a star-shaped rosette of floating leaves; America, Europe and Asia
golden saxifrage, golden spleen
any of various low aquatic herbs of the genus Chrysosplenium
Veronica anagallis-aquatica, Veronica michauxii, water speedwell
plant of wet places in Eurasia and America
bog plant, marsh plant, swamp plant
a semiaquatic plant that grows in soft wet land; most are monocots: sedge, sphagnum, grasses, cattails, etc; possibly heath
Nymphaea odorata, fragrant water lily, pond lily, water nymph
a water lily having large leaves and showy fragrant flowers that float on the water; of temperate and tropical regions
European white lily, Nymphaea alba
a water lily with white flowers
Egyptian water lily, Nymphaea lotus, lotus, white lily, white lotus
white Egyptian lotus: water lily of Egypt to southeastern Africa; held sacred by the Egyptians
Nymphaea caerulea, blue lotus
blue Egyptian lotus: held sacred by the Egyptians
Nymphaea stellata, blue lotus
blue lotus of India and southeastern Asia
Nuphar advena, cow lily, spatterdock, yellow pond lily
common water lily of eastern and central North America, having broad leaves and globe-shaped yellow flowers; in sluggish fresh or slightly brackish water
Nuphar sagittifolium, southern spatterdock
of flowing waters of the southeastern United States; may form obstructive mats in streams
Nuphar lutea, yellow water lily
a water lily with yellow flowers
Indian lotus, Nelumbo nucifera, lotus, sacred lotus
native to eastern Asia; widely cultivated for its large pink or white flowers
American lotus, Nelumbo lutea, water chinquapin, yanquapin
water lily of eastern North America having pale yellow blossoms and edible globular nutlike seeds
Cabomba caroliniana, fanwort, water-shield
common aquatic plant of eastern North America having floating and submerged leaves and white yellow-spotted flowers
Brasenia schreberi, water-shield, water-target
aquatic plant with floating oval leaves and purple flowers; in lakes and slow-moving streams; suitable for aquariums
Ranunculus flammula, lesser spearwort
semiaquatic Eurasian perennial crowfoot with leaves shaped like spears; naturalized in New Zealand
Ranunculus lingua, greater spearwort
semiaquatic European crowfoot with leaves shaped like spears
Caltha palustris, May blob, cowslip, kingcup, marsh marigold, meadow bright, water dragon
swamp plant of Europe and North America having bright yellow flowers resembling buttercups
grasslike plants growing in wet places and having cylindrical often hollow stems
Acorus calamus, calamus, flagroot, myrtle flag, sweet calamus, sweet flag
perennial marsh plant having swordlike leaves and aromatic roots
Calla palustris, water arum, wild calla
plant of wetlands and bogs of temperate regions having small greenish flowers partly enclosed in a white spathe and red berries
Lysichiton americanum, skunk cabbage
clump-forming deciduous perennial swamp plant of western North America similar to Symplocarpus foetidus but having a yellow spathe
Peltandra virginica, green arrow arum, tuckahoe
perennial herb of the eastern United States having arrowhead-shaped leaves and an elongate pointed spathe and green berries
Symplocarpus foetidus, foetid pothos, polecat weed, skunk cabbage
deciduous perennial low-growing fetid swamp plant of eastern North America having minute flowers enclosed in a mottled greenish or purple cowl-shaped spathe
Lemna minor, common duckweed, lesser duckweed
of temperate regions except eastern Asia and Australia
Lemna trisulca, star-duckweed
cosmopolitan in temperate regions except North America
Spirodela polyrrhiza, great duckweed, water flaxseed
cosmopolitan except South America and New Zealand and some oceanic islands
any of various aquatic plants of the genus Wolffia; throughout warmer regions of the world
Wolffiella gladiata, bogmat, mud midget
having narrow flat sickle-shaped submerged fronds; North America
iva, marsh elder
any of various coarse shrubby plants of the genus Iva with small greenish flowers; common in moist areas (as coastal salt marshes) of eastern and central North America
American featherfoil, Hottonia inflata, water gillyflower
a featherfoil of the eastern United States with submerged spongy inflated flower stalks and white flowers
Hottonia palustris, water violet
featherfoil of Europe and western Asia having submerged and floating leaves and violet flowers
Samolus valerandii, brookweed
water pimpernel of Europe to China
Samolus floribundus, Samolus parviflorus, brookweed
American water pimpernel
grasslike or rushlike plant growing in wet places having solid stems, narrow grasslike leaves and spikelets of inconspicuous flowers
tall erect herbs with sword-shaped leaves; cosmopolitan in fresh and salt marshes
any of various plants of the genus Sabbatia having usually pink cymose flowers; occur from acid bogs to brackish marshes
Jesuits' nut, Trapa natans, water caltrop
a variety of water chestnut
Trapa bicornis, ling, ling ko
water chestnut whose spiny fruit has two rather than 4 prongs
yellow-eyed grass
any of several rushlike plants, especially of the pine barrens of southern United States
Alisma plantago-aquatica, water plantain
marsh plant having clusters of small white or pinkish flowers and broad pointed or rounded leaves
Canadian pondweed, Elodea canadensis
North American waterweed; widely naturalized in Europe
Egeria densa, Elodea densa, dense-leaved elodea
aquatic plant with deep green foliage useful to oxygenate an aquarium; sometimes placed in genus Egeria
Potamogeton crispus, curled leaf pondweed, curly pondweed
European herb naturalized in the eastern United States and California
Potamogeton gramineous, variously-leaved pondweed
of Europe (except the Mediterranean area) and the northern United States
Potamogeton americanus, Potamogeton nodosus, loddon pondweed
pondweed with floating leaves; of northern United States and Europe
frog's lettuce
very similar to Potamogeton; of western Africa, Asia, and Europe
Triglochin maritima, arrow grass
tufted perennial found in shallow water or marshland; sometimes poisons livestock
Zannichellia palustris, horned pondweed
found in still or slow-moving fresh or brackish water; useful to oxygenate cool water ponds and aquaria
Chrysosplenium americanum, water carpet, water mat
aquatic herb with yellowish flowers; central and western United States
grass-of-Parnassus, parnassia
any of various usually evergreen bog plants of the genus Parnassia having broad smooth basal leaves and a single pale flower resembling a buttercup
Chelone glabra, shell-flower, shellflower, snake-head, snakehead, turtlehead
showy perennial of marshlands of eastern and central North America having waxy lanceolate leaves and flower with lower part creamy white and upper parts pale pink to deep purple
American brooklime, Veronica americana, brooklime
plant of western North America and northeastern Asia having prostrate stems with dense racemes of pale violet to lilac flowers
European brooklime, Veronica beccabunga, brooklime
European plant having low-lying stems with blue flowers; sparsely naturalized in North America
Sium suave, water parsnip
stout white-flowered perennial found wild in shallow fresh water; northern United States and Asia
Sium latifolium, greater water parsnip
large stout white-flowered perennial found wild in shallow fresh water; Europe
Sium sisarum, skirret
an Asiatic herb cultivated in Europe for its sweet edible tuberous root
Saururus cernuus, lizard's-tail, swamp lily, water dragon
North American herbaceous perennial of wet places having slender curled racemes of small white flowers
tracheophyte, vascular plant
green plant having a vascular system: ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms




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