

单词 passeriform bird
passeriform bird
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passeriform bird: passeriform birds
n perching birds mostly small and living near the ground with feet having 4 toes arranged to allow for gripping the perch; most are songbirds; hatchlings are helpless
oscine, oscine bird
passerine bird having specialized vocal apparatus
sparrow, true sparrow
any of several small dull-colored singing birds feeding on seeds or insects
Australian bird that resembles a pheasant; the courting male displays long tail feathers in a lyre shape
scrub bird, scrub-bird, scrubbird
small fast-running Australian bird resembling a wren and frequenting brush or scrub
small birds of the Old World tropics having bright plumage and short wide bills
a passerine bird of the suborder Tyranni
jenny wren, wren
any of several small active brown birds of the northern hemisphere with short upright tails; they feed on insects
songbird, songster
any bird having a musical call
honey eater, honeysucker
Australasian bird with tongue and bill adapted for extracting nectar
small sparrow-like songbird of mountainous regions of Eurasia
any of numerous predominantly Old World birds noted for their singing
Old World bird having a very long tail that jerks up and down as it walks
lark, pipit, titlark
a songbird that lives mainly on the ground in open country; has streaky brown plumage
any of numerous small songbirds with short stout bills adapted for crushing seeds
small bright-colored tropical American songbird with a curved bill for sucking nectar
English sparrow, Passer domesticus, house sparrow
small hardy brown-and-grey bird native to Europe
Passer montanus, tree sparrow
Eurasian sparrow smaller than the house sparrow
weaver, weaver finch, weaverbird
finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nests
New World flycatcher, flycatcher, tyrant bird, tyrant flycatcher
large American birds that characteristically catch insects on the wing
any of numerous small bright-colored birds of Central America and South America having short bills and elaborate courtship behavior
small brownish South American birds that build oven-shaped clay nests
ant bird, antbird
any of various dull-colored South American birds that feeding on ants some following army ant swarms
tree creeper, wood-creeper, woodcreeper, woodhewer
any of numerous South American and Central American birds with a curved bill and stiffened tail feathers that climb and feed like woodpeckers
any bird of the genus Pitta; brilliantly colored chiefly terrestrial birds with short wings and tail and stout bills
Old World flycatcher, flycatcher, true flycatcher
any of a large group of small songbirds that feed on insects taken on the wing
songbirds characteristically having brownish upper plumage with a spotted breast
a small active songbird
babbler, cackler
any of various insectivorous Old World birds with a loud incessant song; in some classifications considered members of the family Muscicapidae
bird of paradise
any of numerous brilliantly colored plumed birds of the New Guinea area
American oriole, New World oriole, oriole
American songbird; male is black and orange or yellow
Old World oriole, oriole
mostly tropical songbird; the male is usually bright orange and black
gregarious birds native to the Old World
corvine bird
birds of the crow family
Australian magpie
black-and-white oscine birds that resemble magpies
Troglodytes troglodytes, winter wren
small wren of coniferous forests of northern hemisphere
Troglodytes aedon, house wren
common American wren that nests around houses
marsh wren
a wren of the genus Cistothorus that frequents marshes
Salpinctes obsoletus, rock wren
wren inhabiting badlands and mesa country of western United States and Mexico
Carolina wren, Thryothorus ludovicianus
large United States wren with a musical call
cactus wren
large harsh-voiced American wren of arid regions of the United States southwest and Mexico
Mimus polyglotktos, mocker, mockingbird
long-tailed grey-and-white songbird of the southern United States able to mimic songs of other birds
Melanotis caerulescens, blue mockingbird
mockingbird of Mexico
Dumetella carolinensis, catbird, gray catbird, grey catbird
North American songbird whose call resembles a cat's mewing
mocking thrush, thrasher
thrush-like American songbird able to mimic other birdsongs
New Zealand wren
birds of New Zealand that resemble wrens
creeper, tree creeper
any of various small insectivorous birds of the northern hemisphere that climb up a tree trunk supporting themselves on stiff tail feathers and their feet
nutcracker, nuthatch
any of various small short-tailed songbirds with strong feet and a sharp beak that feed on small nuts and insects
tit, titmouse
small insectivorous birds
bluebird, fairy bluebird
fruit-eating mostly brilliant blue songbird of the East Indies
small long-winged songbird noted for swift graceful flight and the regularity of its migrations
swallow shrike, wood swallow
Australasian and Asiatic bird related to the shrikes and resembling a swallow
any of numerous New World woodland birds having brightly colored males
any of numerous Old World birds having a strong hooked bill that feed on smaller animals
bowerbird, catbird
any of various birds of the Australian region whose males build ornamented structures resembling bowers in order to attract females
dipper, water ouzel
small stocky diving bird without webbed feet; frequents fast-flowing streams and feeds along the bottom
any of various small insectivorous American birds chiefly olive-grey in color
brown velvety-plumaged songbirds of the northern hemisphere having crested heads and red waxy wing tips
warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings




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