

over-leveraged over-optimistic over-report over-reporting over-the-counter market
overachieve overachievement overachiever a cut above a damsel in distress
a dash a delicate situation, matter, point a delicate situation, matter, point, etc. a deluge of sth a desk, car, sink tidy
a desk, car, sink, etc. tidy a dim memory, recollection a dim memory, recollection, etc. a dime a dozen a dog in the manger
a dog's breakfast a dog's life a dogs breakfast a dogs life a done deal
a doss a drop in the bucket a drop in the bucket a drop in the ocean a drop too much
a drop too much (to drink) a drop too much to drink a drowning man will clutch at a straw a fact of life a fair crack of the whip
a fair hearing a fair shake a fair/good/safe bet a false economy a fate worse than death
a feather in your cap a feel for sth a few a few well chosen words a few well-chosen words
a few/couple of steps a fifth/third wheel a fifty fifty chance a fifty-fifty chance a fight to the finish
a figment of sb's imagination a figment of sbs imagination a figment of your imagination a figure of speech a fine figure of a man/woman
a fine line a firing offense a firm hand a fish out of water a fishing expedition
a flaming row a flash in the pan a flush of anger, excitement, pleasure a flush of anger, excitement, pleasure, etc. a fond belief/hope
a force to be reckoned with a force to be reckoned with a fortiori a fortiori A frame
a free ride a fresh start a friend in need is a friend indeed a frog in your throat a full, good, thick head of hair
a full, good, thick, etc. head of hair a function of sth a fund of sth a furrowed brow a galaxy of
a game in hand a gap in the market a gift from the gods a glass of sth a gleam in your eye
a good a good a good ... a good ...'s a good ...s
a good deal of a good listener a good many a good Samaritan a good time was had by all
a good word a good, poor show a good, poor, etc. show a good, remarkable likeness a good, remarkable, etc. likeness
a good/bad buy a good/bad mixer a good/bad sailor a good/bad timekeeper a good/bad turn
a good/bad/late payer a good/great deal a good/heavy/light sleeper a good/poor shot a green thumb
a grown man/woman a ha'porth of difference a hail of sth a hair trigger temper a hair's breadth
a hair-trigger temper a hairs breadth a haporth of difference a hard/tough nut to crack a hard/tough row to hoe
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