

" # $ $64,000 question %
& Co ' '' 'cause 'cellist
'cello 'cos 'd 'd've 'em
'hood 'll 'll 'tis 'twas
'twere 'twixt 'twould 've 've/'s
(a) breach of the peace (a) penny for your thoughts (a) sort of (all) by herself (all) by himself
(all) by itself (all) by myself (all) by ourselves (all) by themselves (all) by yourself
(all) hot and bothered (all) in one (all) in one piece (all) on your own (all) rolled into one
(all) square (all) to herself (all) to himself (all) to itself (all) to myself
(all) to ourselves (all) to themselves (all) to yourself (almost) burst a blood vessel (and) all the rest
(and) no messing (and) that sort of thing (Apple) Macintosh (as) ... as hell (as) blind as a bat
(as) bold as brass (as) clean as a (new) pin (as) clean as a whistle (as) clear as a bell (as) clear as day
(as) clear as mud (as) cool as a cucumber (as) dead as a doornail (as) deaf as a post (as) easy as pie
(as) easy as pie/ABC/anything/falling off a log (as) flat as a pancake (as) free as a bird (as) good as new (as) hard as nails
(as) keen as mustard (as) large as life (as) light as a feather (as) long as your arm (as) mad as a hatter/March hare
(as) man to man (as) pleased as Punch (as) proud as Lucifer (as) regular as clockwork (as) regular as clockwork
(as) stiff/straight as a ramrod (as) straight as a die (as) sure as eggs is eggs (as) sure as hell (as) thick as two short planks
(as) tough as nails (as) tough as old boots (as) tough as shoe leather (as) white as a sheet (at) daggers drawn
(at) full blast (at) full speed/tilt/pelt (at) full stretch (at) full throttle (back) on your feet
(bank-)certified check (be) much obliged (by) courtesy of (cash) registers are ringing (do you) know/see what I'm saying?
(do you) see what I mean? (down) in the dumps (down) to the last ... (drug) peddler (every) now and again
(every) now and then/again (every) once in a while (from) cover to cover (from) day to day (from) hour to hour
(from) soup to nuts (from) under your nose (furniture) mover (furniture) remover (give a/the) thumbs down
(give a/the) thumbs up (go and) take a running jump (great) with child (hard) on the heels of something (hot) on someone’s heels
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