

单词 orotund


/ˈɒrə(ʊ)tʌnd / /ˈɔːrə(ʊ)tʌnd/
1(Of a person’s voice) resonant and imposing.Watson's orotund voice is complemented by swooning strings, lush orchestration and gloriously cheery tempi, conjuring the Med, lemon trees and a large dollop of la dolce vita straight into your living room....
  • They could therefore rely more on an orotund voice when the circumstances required competence, confidence, and enthusiasm early in the interaction.
  • Viewers baffled by these moments, not to mention the orotund tones and rolled R's of theatrical elocution, will probably welcome the subtitles.


deep, sonorous, strong, powerful, full, full-toned, rich, fruity, clear, round, resonant, ringing, reverberating, loud, booming, imposing
rare canorous
1.1(Of writing, style, or expression) pompous or pretentious.I, as the narrator want to sound clever, be orotund, and use words that you may not normally use....
  • It is banal, orotund, unmusical, and stuffed with wads of unnecessary jargon.
  • Kipling uses the orotund, elaborate language of Hindi courtesy to provide the ritual punctuation for the longer stories.


pompous, pretentious, affected, mannered, fulsome, grandiose, ornate, over-elaborate, overblown, flowery, florid, flamboyant, inflated, high-flown, high-sounding, magniloquent, grandiloquent, declamatory, rhetorical, oratorical, theatrical, actorly, rotund, bombastic, overwrought, overdone, overripe, convoluted, turgid
informal highfalutin, purple
rare tumid, euphuistic, aureate, Ossianic, fustian, hyperventilated



noun ...
  • Sam Tsoutsouvas, as Theseus, flaunts his habitual love affair with his overripe voice with an orotundity that reeks of self-adulation.
  • I greatly feared - and still slightly do fear - that this creature presages a descent into a fantasy nerdfest of Tolkienesque pomposity and orotundity.
  • orotundity


Late 18th century: from Latin ore rotundo 'with rounded mouth'.





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