Ilchenko, Aleksandr Eliseevich

Il’chenko, Aleksandr Eliseevich


Born May 22 (June 4), 1909, in Kharkov. Soviet Ukrainian writer.

Il’chenko’s work first appeared in print in 1929. His collection of essays Dneprel’stan about the builders of Dneproges (Dnieper hydroelectric power plant) was published in 1932. His novella The Heart Waits (1939; second version entitled Petersburg Autumn, 1941; Russian translation 1961), which is devoted to the life of T. G. Shevchenko, was produced as a play in 1954. The novella The Ordinary Urchin (1947) is about V. P. Chkalov. A wealth of Ukrainian folklore appears in Il’chenko’s novel No End to Cossack Stock, or Mamai and the Fiery Young Wife (books 1–2, 1958; Russian translation 1965). This novel is about the Ukraine during the second half of the 17th century and the cossack Mamai, a character in Ukrainian folk graphics. II’-chenko has been awarded three orders and various medals.


[Il’chenko, Oleksandr Ielyseiovich.] Vybrane. Kiev, 1948.
In Russian translation:
Bagrianyi list: Povesti i rasskazy. Moscow, 1969.