Ascher syndrome

Asch·er syn·drome

(ahsh'ĕr), a condition in which a congenital double lip is associated with blepharochalasis and nontoxic thyroid gland enlargement.

Asch·er syn·drome

(ahsh'ĕr sin'drōm) A condition in which a congenital double lip is associated with blepharochalasis and nontoxic thyroid gland enlargement.


Karl Wolfgang, U.S. ophthalmologist, 1887-1971. Ascher aqueous influx phenomenon - the filling of the aqueous vein, which normally carries blood and aqueous, with aqueous, when the junction of the aqueous vein and the recipient vein is partially occluded. Synonym(s): aqueous influx phenomenonAscher syndrome - a condition in which a congenital double lip is associated with blepharochalasis and nontoxic thyroid gland enlargement.Laffer-Ascher syndrome

Asch·er syn·drome

(ahsh'ĕr sin'drōm) A condition in which a congenital double lip is associated with blepharochalasis and nontoxic thyroid gland enlargement.