Gosta Forssell
Forssell, Gösta
(also Carl Gustaf Abrahamsson Forssell). Born Mar. 2, 1876, in Aspeboda, Dalarna Province; died Nov. 13, 1950, in Stockholm. Swedish roentgenologist and radiologist.
Forssell graduated from the medical faculty of the University of Stockholm in 1902. From 1916 to 1941 he was a professor at the Royal Caroline Hospital and Caroline Institute in Stockholm. His principal works dealt with problems in the investigation of the anatomy and physiology of the stomach by means of X rays and with the use of ionizing radiation in the treatment of malignant tumors.
After the introduction of courses in roentgenology and radiology into the medical school curriculum in Austria, similar courses were introduced in Swedish medical schools on Forssell’s initiative. In 1910, Forssell established a center for clinical roentgenology and radiology (Radiumhemmet) and founded the Swedish Cancer Society. He was editor of the journal Acta Radiologica, which he founded in 1921. Forssell was the initiator of a school of roentgenologists and radiologists.
Über die Beziehung des Röntgenbilder des menschlichen Magens zu seinem anatomischen Bau. Hamburg, 1913.On the Permanency of Radiological Healing in Malignant Tumors. Stockholm, 1928.
Travaux, vols. 1–3. Stockholm, 1949.