Gapur Akhriev

Akhriev, Gapur Saidovich


Born in 1890, in the aul (village) of Furtoug, Ingushetia; died May 3, 1920, in Baku. A participant in the struggle for the establishment of the Soviet rule in the Caucasus. Communist Party member since 1919.

Akhriev was born into the family of a poor peasant and was brought up by his uncle A. T. Akhriev, a former member of Land and Freedom. He graduated from a technical secondary school in Moscow and from the Moscow Commercial Institute. In 1916 he came to Vladikavkaz, where he became close to S. M. Kirov. He became a member of the Terek civilian executive committee in March 1917. He was a member of the Vladikavkaz Soviet. From March 1918 he was People’s Commissar of Nationalities of the Terek Republic. He fought in the Civil War. From March 1920 he was chairman of the Ingush Revolutionary Committee.


Akhriev, I. G. Gapur Akhriev. Groznyi, 1967.