

单词 cde



abbreviation for (Electronics) compact disc erasable: a compact disc that can be used to record and rerecord. Compare CD-R



(1)C Development environment from IDE.


(2)Common Desktop Environment.


(3)Co-operative Development Environment.


(1) (CD-E) (Compact Disc-Erasable) The original name for rewritable CDs. See CD-RW.

(2) (Computer Desktop Encyclopedia) What you are reading now. CDE was originally The Computer Glossary, first printed in 1981. In 1995, it was renamed Computer Desktop Encyclopedia (CDE), and The Computer Glossary became an abbreviated version. See About this encyclopedia.

(3) (Common Desktop Environment) A user interface for desktop computing from The Open Group. It combines the OSF/Motif graphical interface, the X Window system and other elements, including remote program launching and the ability to suspend and resume applications in their own workspace. Supported by most Unix vendors, the first CDE products were introduced in 1995. See Open Group.

(4) (Certified Directory Engineer) A certification for proficiency in Novell's eDirectory service. Introduced in 2000, in 2004, Novell announced that CDE certification was closing in favor of the Certified Linux Engineer (CLE) program, which includes directory services. See Novell certification.

(5) (Cooperative Development Environment) A client/server application development system from Oracle Corporation that evolved into Developer/2000 and Designer/2000.



Certified Diabetes Educator A health care professional qualified by the Am Assn of Diabetes Educators to teach diabetics how to manage their disease. See Diabetes mellitus.


CDECalifornia Department of Education
CDECutest Dog Ever
CDECornell Dubilier Electronics (Liberty, SC)
CDECertified Diabetes Educator
CDEConvention relative aux droits de l'enfant
CDECats, Dogs and Everything
CDEColorado Department of Education
CDECareer Development Event
CDEChronic Dry Eye (disorder)
CDEChild Development and Education (various locations)
CDECanadian Dollar Equivalent
CDECartoon Doll Emporium
CDECommon Desktop Environment (Unix)
CDECentre for Development and Environment (Germany)
CDECommon Data Element (clinical research)
CDEContinuing Dental Education
CDEConcept Development and Experimentation
CDEConsiglio d'Europa (Italian)
CDECouncil for Democratic Elections (Europe)
CDECooperative Development Environment (Oracle)
CDECentre for Development and Enterprise (South Africa)
CDECardholder Data Environment
CDECenter for Distance Education (various locations)
CDECall Detail Element
CDECommon Data Element
CDECore Data Element
CDEComputer Desktop Encyclopedia
CDECertified Directory Engineer
CDECompact Disc Erasable
CDECommon Desktop Environment
CDEC Development Environment
CDECool Desktop Environment
CDEContent Delivery Engine
CDECoeur d'Alene Mines Corporation
CDECanadian Development Expense (tax provision)
CDECollateral Damage Estimation (US DoD)
CDECollateral Damage Estimate
CDEContinuing Dispatch Education
CDEComplex Data Entry
CDECommunity Development Enterprise (various organizations)
CDECombined Driving Event
CDECollaborative Decision Environment
CDECentre pour le Développement de l'Entreprise (French: Center for the Development of Enterprise)
CDECorporación Dominicana de Electricidad (Dominican Republic)
CDECommitted Dose Equivalent
CDECritical Driving Error (driving test)
CDECommander Directed Evaluation (US DoD)
CDECertified Document Examiner (forensics)
CDECentre du Droit de l'Entreprise (French: Business Law Center)
CDEConvention des Nations Unies relative aux Droits de l'Enfant (French)
CDEConference on Disarmament in Europe
CDECentro de Documentação Europeia (Portugal)
CDEComputer Design Engineer
CDECable Discharge Event
CDEComptoir des Entrepreneurs (French housing industry financial institution)
CDECompact Disk - Erasable
CDEComputer Desktop Encyclopedia (Computer Language Company, Inc.)
CDECommercial Derivative Engine
CDECollège Doctoral Européen (French: European Doctoral College)
CDECholine-Deficient Ethionine (supplemented diet)
CDEClub des Éleveurs Amateurs d'Oiseaux Exotiques (French: Amateur Breeders of Exotic Birds Club)
CDECertified Data Educator
CDECommon Duct Exploration (cholecystectomy)
CDEConcertation, Décision, Environnement (French: Consultation, Decision, Environment)
CDECommon Data Environment
CDEChaudronnerie de l'Est (French boiler and storage tank producer)
CDEContents Directory Entry
CDECenter for Distance Education and Independent Learning (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
CDECall Detail Element (Cisco)
CDECaledonia Airport (Panama)
CDEConference on Electron Devices
CDEChemical Dry Etch (semiconductor manufacturing method)
CDEComédie de l'Est (French: Comedy from the East; acting troupe)
CDECommission Départementale d'Equipement (French: Departmental Equipment Committee)
CDECenter for Directed Energy
CDECollective Dose Equivalent
CDECommand Document End (ITU-T)
CDECard Data Entry
CDECore Deployable Element
CDECentral De-Detector
CDECombat Development Engineering
CDECertificate in Data Education
CDEClinical Documentation Excellence
CDEChildren Designing & Engineering (curriculum development project)
CDEConseil des Délégués des Élèves (French: Board of Student Representatives)
CDECity Document Exchange
CDEControl Device Evaluation
CDEConcept Design and Evaluation
CDEClaim Data Entry (insurance)
CDEConfiguration & Data Engineer
CDECollision Detect Electronics
CDEClock Detect East
CDEChemical Defense Equipment/Establishment
CDECART (Clouds and Radiation Testbed) Data Environment (US Department of Energy)
CDEComité Départementale d'Equitation (French: Departmental Riding Committee; French Equestrian Federation)
CDECentre of Drug Evaluation (Drug Administration Law of SFDA of China)




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