Belobrod Culture

Belobrod Culture


an archaeological culture dating from the tenth-12th centuries located on the territory of present-day Hungary, Czechoslovakia, northern Yugoslavia, and western Rumania. It was named after the burial ground discovered near the city of Belobrod in Croatia in the 1920’s. This culture belonged to both the Finno-Ugric (Hungarian) and the Slavic tribes; the influence of the latter predominated. Bracelets with animal heads, earrings with spiral-shaped ends, and double heart-shaped pendants were typical of the Slavic tribes. The Hungarian elements in the Belobrod culture are represented by iron bracelets with ellip-tically widened ends and Árpád coins. Such imported articles as ceramics, S-shaped temple rings, and necklaces testify to the economic ties with ancient Rus’, Poland, and Byzantium.


Chropovský, B. “Belobrdské pohrebište vo Vozokanoch na Slovensku.” Archeologicke rozhledy, 1954. no. 1, issue 5.