Agricultural Journals

Agricultural Journals


periodicals that discuss various questions of agricultural science and production.

The first agricultural journal in Russia, Trudy Imperatorskogo Vol’nogo ekonomicheskogo obshchestva k pooshchreniiu v Rossi zemledeliia i domostroitel’stva (Transactions of the Imperial Free Economic Society for the Encouragement of Agriculture and Housing in Russia), was published in St. Petersburg from 1765. It advocated the introduction of industrial crops and the improvement of agricultural implements; it also promoted animal husbandry, especially the raising of sheep, and the sugar-beet, distilling, and linen industries. By 1904, more than 200 agricultural journals and newspapers were being published in Russia, including about 20 by the government, more than 80 by private individuals and groups, and more than 100 by zemstvos (institutions of local self-government) and various societies. Between 1901 and 1916, 353 Russian periodicals on agriculture were published. In 1973 the USSR had 530 agricultural journals, with a total annual circulation of 59,507,000.

USSR. General agricultural journals in the USSR include Doklady Vsesoiuznoi ordena Lenina akademii sel’skokhoziaist-vennykh nauk imeni V. I. Lenina (Transactions of the Order of Lenin V. I. Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences; since 1936) and Sel’skoe khoziaistvo za rubezhom (Agriculture Abroad), published in two series, Rastenievodstvo (Horticulture; 1955) and Zhivotnovodstvo (Animal Husbandry; 1955). Other such journals are Mezhdunarodnyi sel’skokhoziaistvennyi zhurnal (International Journal of Agriculture; published by the members of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance [COMECON], Moscow-Sofia; 1957), Vestnik sel’skokho-ziaistvennoi nauki (Journal of Agricultural Sciences; 1956), Sel’skaia nov’ (Virgin Land; 1960), Uchet ifinansy v kolkhozakh i sovkhozakh (Accounting and Finances in Kolkhozes and Sovkhozes; 1926), Zakupki sel’skokhoziaistvennykh produktov (Purchases of Agricultural Products; 1962), Kolkhoznosovkhoznoe proizvodstvo (Kolkhoz and Sovkhoz Production; 1963), and Sel’skokhoziaistvennia biologiia (Agricultural Biology; 1966).

Specialized agricultural journals include Pochvovedenie (Soil Science; 1899), Zemledelie (Agriculture; 1939), Khimiia v sel’skom khoziaistve (Chemistry in Agriculture; 1963), Agrokhimiia (Agrochemistry; 1964), Ekonomika sel’skogo khoziaistva (Agricultural Economics; 1925), Sadovodstvo (Horticulture; 1838), and Zashchita rastenii (Plant Protection; 1956). Journals devoted to forestry or particular crops include Len i konoplia (Flax and Hemp; 1924), Selektsiia i semenovodstvo (Plant Breeding and Seed Production; 1929), Tabak (Tobacco; 1930), Vinodelie i vinogradarstvo SSSR (Wine Making and Viticulture of the USSR; 1939), Subtropicheskie kul’tury (Subtropical Crops; Makharadze-Anaseuli; 1939), Lesnaia nov’ (Virgin Forest; 1957), Lesnoe khoziaistvo (Forestry; 1948), Khlopkovodstvo (Cotton Growing; 1951), Kartofeli’ i ovoshchi (Potatoes and Vegetables; 1956), Kukuruza (Corn; 1956), Sakharnaia svekla (Sugar Beets; 1956), Tsvetovodstvo (Flower Growing; 1958), and Zernovoe khoziaistvo (Grain Farming; 1972). Journals devoted to animal husbandry include Pchelovodstvo (Apiculture; 1921), Veterinariia (Veterinary Medicine; 1924), Konevodstvo i konnyi sport (Horse Breeding and Equestrian Sports; 1928), Svinovodstvo (Hog Raising; 1930), Zhivotnovodstvo (Animal Husbandry; 1939), Ptitsevodstvo (Poultry Husbandry; 1951), Ovtsevodstvo (Sheep Raising; 1955), Okhota i okhotnich’e khoziaistvo (Hunting and Game Management; 1955), Molochnoe i miasnoe skotovodstvo (Dairy and Meat Cattle Breeding; 1956), Krolikovodstvo i zverovodstvo (Rabbit Breeding and Fur Farming; 1958), Rybovodstvo i Rybolovstvo (Fish Culture and Fishing; 1958), and Korma (Feeds; 1972). Other aspects of agriculture are treated in Mekhanizatsiia i elektrifikatsiia sotsialisticheskogo sel’skogo khoziaistva (Mechanization and Electrification of Socialist Agriculture; 1930), Traktory i sel’skokhoziaistvennye mashiny (Tractors and Agricultural Machines; 1930), Tekhnika v sel’skom khoziaistve (Agricultural Engineering; 1941), Sel’skoe stroitel’stvo (Rural Construction; 1946), Sel’skii mekhanizator (Rural Mechanic; 1958), and Gidrotekhnika i melioratsiia (Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation; 1949).

The main republic and regional agricultural journals include, in the RSFSR, Zemlia rodnaia (Native Land; Moscow, 1968), Zemlia sibirskaia, dal’nevostochnaia (Siberia and the Soviet Far East; Omsk, 1968), Sibirskii vestnik sel’skokhoziaistvennoi nauki (Siberian Journal of Agricultural Science; Novosibirsk, 1971), Sel’skie zori (Rural Dawn; Krasnodar, 1968), Sel’skoe khoziaistvo Rossii (Agriculture in Russia; Moscow, 1965), Stepnye prostory (Steppe Expanses; Saratov, 1968), and Ural’skie nivy (Arable Land in the Urals; Sverdlovsk, 1968).

The principal agricultural journals in the Ukrainian SSR include Tvarynnytstvo Ukrainy (Animal Husbandry in the Ukraine; Kiev, 1939), Mekhanizatsiia sil’s’hogo hospodarstva (Mechanization of Agriculture; Kiev, 1950), Sil’s’ke budivnytstvo (Rural Construction; Kiev, 1951), Visnyk sil’s’kohospodars’koi nauki (Journal of Agricultural Science; Kharkov, 1957), and Khliborob Ukrainy (The Ukrainian Grain Grower; Kiev, since 1963). Other agricultural journals include Sel’skoe khoziaistvo Belorussii (Agriculture in Byelorussia; Minsk, 1959), published in the Byelorussian SSR, and Sel’skoe khoziaistvo Kazakhstana (Agriculture in Kazakhstan; Alma-Ata, 1953) and Vestnik sel’skokhoziaistvennoi nauki (Journal of Agricultural Science; Alma-Ata, 1958), published in the Kazakh SSR. Kolkhoznik Gruzii (The Georgian Collective Farmer; Tbilisi, 1951, in Georgian) is published in the Georgian SSR. Kend Khaiaty (Village Life; Baku, 1966) is published in the Azerbaijan SSR. Voprosy ekonomiki sel’skogo khoziaistva Armenii (Problems of Economics in Armenian Agriculture; Yerevan, 1959, in Armenian and Russian) is published in the Armenian SSR. Sel’skoe khoziaistvo Moldavii (Agriculture in Moldavia; Kishinev, 1966) is published in the Moldavian SSR. žemės ūkis (Agriculture; Vilnius, 1963) is published in the Lithuanian SSR, Druva (Field; Riga, 1968) and Lauksaimniecības mechanizātcija un elektrifikacija (Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture; Riga, 1960) in the Latvian SSR, and Sotsialistlik Põllumajandus (Socialist Agriculture; Tallinn, 1946) in the Estonian SSR. Sotsialisticheskoe sel’skoe khoziaistvo Uzbekistana (Socialist Agriculture in Uzbekistan; Tashkent, 1933) is published in the Uzbek SSR, Sel’skoe khoziaistvo Kirgizii (Agriculture in Kirghizia; Frunze, 1955) in the Kirghiz SSR, Sel’skoe khoziaistvo Tadzhikistana (Agriculture in Tadzhikistan; Dushanbe, 1947) in the Tadzhik SSR, and Sel’skoe khoziaistvo Turkmenistana (Agriculture in Turkmenia; Ashkhabad, 1957) in the Turkmen SSR.

Abroad. General agricultural journals published abroad include the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England (London, since 1810) and the Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge, 1905). Specialized journals are published in many countries: Gorsko stopanstvo (Forestry; Sofia, 1945) and Ovoshcharstvo (Vegetable Growing; Sofia, 1920) in Bulgaria, Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society (London, 1846) and Horticultural Research (Edinburgh, 1961) in Great Britain, Archiv für Gartenbau (Berlin, 1953) in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), Sylwan (Silvanus; L’vov, 1883–1939; Warsaw, 1947) and Gazeta cukrownicza (Sugar Gazette; Warsaw, 1897) in Poland, Gradina via şi livada (Garden, Vineyard, and Pasture; Bucharest, 1952) in Rumania, A merican Potato Journal (New Brunswick, N.J., 1913), Agronomy Journal (Madison, Wise, 1907), and Crop Science (Madison, Wise, 1961) in the USA, and Jardins de France (Paris, 1827), Revue horticole (Paris, 1829), and Agriculteurs de France (Paris, 1836, renamed L’Agriculture pratique in 1937).

Journals on plant protection include Weed Research (Oxford, 1961) in Great Britain, Nachrichtenblatt für den Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienst (Berlin, 1921) in the GDR, Weeds: Journal of the Weed Society (New York, 1952, renamed Weed Science in 1968) in the USA, Phytoma (Paris, 1948) in France, and Ochrana rostlin (Plant Protection; Prague, 1921) in Czechoslovakia. Journals on animal husbandry and veterinary medicine include the British Veterinary Journal (London, 1949), Animal Production (Edinburgh, 1959), and Research in Veterinary Science (London, 1960) in Great Britain, Monatshefte für Veterinärmedizin (Leipzig, 1946) and Archiv für Tierzucht (Berlin, 1958) in the GDR, American Veterinary Medical Association Journal (Chicago, 1869), Journal of Dairy Science (Champaign, Ill., 1917), Poultry Science (College Station, Tex., 1908) Journal of Animal Science (Champaign, Ill., 1942), and Feedstuffs (Minneapolis, 1929) in the USA and Recueil de médecine vétérinaire (Paris, 1804) and Apiculteur (Paris, 1856) in France. Journals on agricultural mechanization include Farm Mechanisation (London, 1950; renamed Farm Mechanisation and Buildings in 1967) in Great Britain, Deutsche Agrartechnik (Berlin, 1951) in the GDR, Agricultural Engineering (Joseph, Mich., 1920) in the USA, and Technik and Landwirtschaft (Baden-Baden, 1954) in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Abstract journals. The best-known agricultural abstract journals are those published since 1927 by the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau, an organization of the British Commonwealth countries. The bureau issues 17 abstract journals in all branches of agriculture, forestry, and veterinary medicine; each year it reviews 80,000 articles in 40 languages. The Referativnyi biulleten’ bolgarskoi nauchnoi literatury: Sel’skoe i lesnoe khoziaistvo, veterinariia (Abstract Journal of Bulgarian Scientific Literature: Agriculture, Forestry, and Veterinary Medicine; Sofia, 1956) is published in Bulgaria. The Mezõgazdaságiés élélmezésiigyi minisztérium információs központja (Information Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food; Budapest, 1952) is published in Hungary. Landwirtschaftliches Zentralblatt (Berlin, 1956) is published in the GDR. The best-known periodical bibliographies include Kooperativno zemedelie (Cooperative Agriculture; Sofia, 1946), Biological and Agricultural Index (until 1965, Agricultural Index; New York, 1916), and Bibliography of Agriculture (New York, 1942).

In the USSR, the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Information and Technological and Economic Studies on Agriculture uses a centralized processing system for Soviet and foreign materials in order to publish reference periodicals with the most up-to-date information and abstracts, collections of translations, and reviews of Soviet and foreign literature. The Central Scientific Agricultural Library of the V. I. Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences publishes the bibliographic indexes Sel’skokhoziaistvennaia literatura SSSR (Agricultural Literature of the USSR), whose 12 issues a year contain information on 80,000 Soviet articles; and Sel’skoe khoziaistvo (Agriculture), whose 12 issues a year contain information on 30,000 articles published abroad.


Istoriia lmperatorskogo Vol’nogo Ekonomicheskogo Obshchestva s 1765 do 1885 goda. Compiled by A. I. Khodnev. St. Petersburg, 1865.
Bibliografiia periodicheskikh izdanii Rossii, 1901–1916, vols. 1–4. Leningrad, 1958–61. (Published by the Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library.)
Spravochnik po sel’skokhoziaistvennoi periodicheskoi pechati. Edited by V. V. Moracchevskii. Petrograd, 1915–16.
Periodkheskaia pechat’ SSSR, 1917–1949: Zhurnaly, trudy i biulleteni po sel’skomu khoziaistvu. Moscow, 1965. (Published by the All-Union Book Chamber.)
Inostrannye sel’skokhoziaistvennye zhurnaly: Annotirovannyi ukazatel’ (1960–1972gg.). Moscow, 1973.