

单词 gna


nursing assistant



An unlicensed nursing staff member who assists with basic patient care such as giving baths, checking vital signs, bedmaking, and positioning. Nursing assistants usually must complete a training course, including classroom instruction and clinical practice under supervision. Each state regulates nursing assistant practice. Nursing assistants who meet specified federal standards are referred to as certified nursing assistants (CNAs).

geriatric nursing assistant

Abbreviation: GNA
An unlicensed caregiver who provides basic care needs, such as bathing and feeding, to residents in nursing homes or other health care facilities. According to federal regulations, GNAs must successfully complete at least a prescribed training course and register in the state in which they are practicing. Geriatric nursing assistants are a specially trained class of certified nursing assistants. See: nursing assistant

geriatric nursing assistant

Abbreviation: GNA
An unlicensed caregiver who provides basic care needs, such as bathing and feeding, to residents in nursing homes or other health care facilities. According to federal regulations, GNAs must successfully complete at least a prescribed training course and register in the state in which they are practicing. Geriatric nursing assistants are a specially trained class of certified nursing assistants. See: nursing assistantSee also: nursing assistant


GNAGhana News Agency
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GNAGoogle News Alert
GNAGeriatric Nursing Assistant
GNAGeorgia Nurses Association
GNAGlobewide Network Academy
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GNAGrand National Alliance (Pakistan)
GNAGrounds for Non-Acceptance
GNAGlobal Needs Assessment (UN High Commissioner for Refugees)
GNAGreater Nanticoke Area (school district, Pennsylvania)
GNAGladstein, Neandross & Associates (environmental consulting firm; Santa Monica, CA)
GNAGuam Nikkei Association (est. 2007)
GNAGrassroots Netroots Alliance (Organic Consumers Fund)
GNAGone No Address (undelivered/returned mail)
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GNAGrasonia, Nashville, and Ashdown Railroad Company
GNAGreat North Alliance (Minnesota)
GNAGoldwater-Nichols DoD(Department of Defense) Reorganization Act (US DoD)
GNAGuru Nanak Academy




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