释义 |
n. | 1. | (Anat.) The fold of peritoneum which attaches the testis to the dorsal wall of the body cavity or scrotal sac. |
mesorchium[me′zȯr·kē·əm] (embryology) The mesentery that supports the embryonic testis in vertebrates. mesorchium
mesorchium [mes-or´ke-um] the portion of the primordial mesentery enclosing the fetal testis, represented in the adult by a fold between the testis and epididymis. adj., adj mesor´chial.mes·or·chi·um (mez-ōr'kē-ŭm), 1. In the fetus, a fold of tunica vaginalis testis supporting the mesonephros and the developing testis. 2. In the adult, a fold of tunica vaginalis testis between the testis and epididymis. [meso- + G. orchis, testis] mes·or·chi·um (mez-ōr'kē-ŭm) 1. In the fetus, a fold of tunica vaginalis testis supporting the mesonephros and the developing testis. 2. In the adult, a fold of tunica vaginalis testis between the testis and epididymis. [meso- + G. orchis, testis] |