gigantiform cementoma

gi·gan·ti·form ce·men·to·ma

the familial occurrence of cemental masses in the jaws; inherited as an autosomal dominant characteristic.
See also: sclerotic cemental mass.

gi·gan·ti·form ce·men·to·ma

(jī-ganti-fōrm sēmen-tōmă) Familial occurrence of cemental masses in the jaws.
See also: sclerotic cemental mass

gigantiform cementoma

(jī″gan′tĭ-form″ sē″men″tō′mă) (′măt-ă) plural.cementomasplural.cementomata [ cementum + -oma] A benign fibrous connective tissue growth containing small masses of cementum, usually found in the periodontal ligament near the apex of the tooth.

gi·gan·ti·form ce·men·to·ma

(jī-ganti-fōrm sēmen-tōmă) Familial occurrence of cemental masses in the jaws.