Goldgammer, Dmitrii Aleksandrovich
Gol’dgammer, Dmitrii Aleksandrovich
Born Oct. 18 (30), 1866, in Moscow; died Dec. 16, 1922, in Kazan. Russian physicist. Student of A. G. Stoletov.
Upon completing Moscow University in 1882, Gol’dgammer remained to work there. From 1884 to 1888 he worked in Strasbourg, and from 1890. at the University of Kazan, where he became a professor in 1893 (rector in 1916–17). Between 1893 and 1898 he headed the magnetometeorologi-cal observatory at the University of Kazan. His major works were on meteorology, the electomagnetic theory of light (chiefly the propagation of light), and the dispersion and absorption of light. In 1895, Gol’dgammer founded a series of meteorological stations and began publishing Trudy meteoro-logicheskoi seti Vostoka Rossii (Transactions of the Meteorological Network of East Russia).
Kursfiziki. St. Petersburg. 1917.“Elektromagnitnye iavleniia v dvizhushchikhsia sredakh.” Izv. fizicheskogo in-ta pri MNI i in-ta biologicheskoifiziki, 1922. vol. 2.