Acronym | Definition |
GBD➣Global Burden of Disease |
GBD➣General Business District (zoning) |
GBD➣Global Business Development (Toronto, ON, Canada) |
GBD➣Great Birthday |
GBD➣Guitar, Bass and Drums (band) |
GBD➣Glass Break Detector (security systems) |
GBD➣Go Balls Deep |
GBD➣Government of Bangladesh (also seen as GOB) |
GBD➣Global Business Directory (Infot Inc.; Rockville, MD) |
GBD➣Grente Bennes Déchets (French waste dump) |
GBD➣Grace-Based Discipline (parenting) |
GBD➣Generation Breakdown |
GBD➣Gay Bowel Disease |
GBD➣Genetic Brain Disease |
GBD➣Geometric Data Base |
GBD➣Government Business Day |
GBD➣Golden, Brown and Delicious |
GBD➣Green Beer Day |
GBD➣Ground Branch Director |
GBD➣Global Burst Detector |
GBD➣Guaranteed by Design (product designation) |
GBD➣Green Biker Dude (video game character; Mega Man series) |
GBD➣Gorenjska Borznoposredniska Druzba (Slovenian brokerage company) |
GBD➣Gestion Benoît Dumoulin (construction) |
GBD➣Good Behavior Day |
GBD➣Grow by Design (landscaping; Seattle, WA) |