Boycott Apple
Boycott Apple
Apple wanted to stop people from writing any program thatworked even vaguely like a Macintosh. If such look and feel lawsuits succeed they could put an end to free software that could substitute for commercial software.
In the weeks after the suit was filed, Usenet reverberatedwith condemnation for Apple. GNU supporters Richard Stallman, John Gilmore, and Paul Rubin decided to takeaction against Apple. Apple's reputation as a force forprogress came from having made better computers; but TheLeague for Programming Freedom believed that Apple wanted tomake all non-Apple computers worse. They therefore campaignedto discourage people from using Apple products or working forApple or any other company threatening similar obstructionisttactics (e.g. Lotus and Xerox).
Because of this boycott the Free Software Foundation for along time didn't support Macintosh Unix in their software.In 1995, the LPF and the FSF decided to end the boycott.