G-banding stain

G-band·ing stain

a chromosome-staining technique used in human cytogenetics to identify individual chromosomes, which produces characteristic bands; it utilizes acetic acid fixation, air drying, denaturing chromosomes mildly with proteolytic enzymes, salts, heat, detergents, or urea, and finally Giemsa stain; chromosome bands appear similar to those fluorochromed by Q-banding stain. Synonym(s): Giemsa chromosome banding stain

G-band·ing stain

(band'ing stān) A chromosome-staining technique used in human cytogenetics to identify individual chromosomes, which produces characteristic bands; it uses acetic acid, proteolytic enzymes, salts, heat, detergents, or urea, and finally Giemsa stain; chromosome bands appear similar to those fluorochromed by Q-banding stain.


Gustav, German bacteriologist, 1867-1948. Giemsa chromosome banding stain - a unique chromosome staining technique used in human cytogenetics to identify individual chromosomes. Synonym(s): G-banding stainGiemsa stain - compound used for demonstrating Negri bodies, Tunga species, spirochetes and protozoans, and differential staining of blood smears.