Fuel Truck
Fuel Truck
a motor vehicle, semitrailer, or trailer equipped with a tank for liquid fuels (gasoline, kerosene, or diesel fuel). The tank has a fuel level gauge, a breather valve designed to connect the interior of the tank with the outside atmosphere when an excess pressure develops, drain outlets with fast-acting gate valves, and sumps with water traps; there are also fire-fighting facilities and grounding arrangements. The tank capacity for a motor vehicle or trailer is 1,200–8,000 liters and for semitrailers it is 7,000–30,000 liters. The large-capacity tanks (over 5,000 liters) are equipped with internal longitudinal and transverse baffles (breakwaters) to diminish hydraulic impacts.
Fuel Truck
a self-propelled or trailer unit for the transport of liquid fuel and the fueling of aircraft. The chassis of a fuel truck may be an automobile, trailer, or semitrailer with a tractor; it has a tank, a pump, intake and output devices, fuel filters, monitoring and measuring devices, a cabin with control mechanisms, a grounding, and fire-prevention equipment. The tank capacity ranges from 4,000 to 50,000 liters. In some cases, fuel trucks are used to supply fuel to tanks and other self-propelled vehicles, mainly military equipment; they are also used in areas in which there are no gasoline stations or fuel pumps.