gestational hypertension

gestational hypertension

hypertension during pregnancy in a previously normotensive woman or aggravation of hypertension during pregnancy in a hypertensive woman. Synonym(s): pregnancy-induced hypertension

gestational hypertension

Obstetrics The development of high BP/HTN without other symptoms of preeclampsia or eclampsia after 20 wks of gestation in a previously normotensive ♀. See Eclampsia, Hypertension, Preeclampsia.

ges·ta·tion·al hy·per·ten·sion

(jes-tā'shŭn-ăl hī'pĕr-ten'shŭn) Hypertension during pregnancy in a previously normotensive woman or aggravation of hypertension during pregnancy in a hypertensive woman.
Synonym(s): pregnancy-induced hypertension.