Karl Graebe

Graebe, Karl


Born Feb. 24. 1841. in Frankfurt-am-Main; died there Jan. 19, 1927. German organic chemist.

Graebe became a professor at the University of Königs-berg in 1870; from 1878 to 1906 he was a professor at the University of Geneva. In 1869, in collaboration with K. Liebermann, he synthesized alizarin, leading to the industrial production of alizarin dyes and an end to the cultivation of the madder plant. Between 1870 and 1873. Graebe isolated (from coal tar), synthesized, and studied phenan-threne, carbazole and acridine. In 1920 he published a history of organic chemistry from 1770 to 1880, which was continued by P. Walden.


“Über künstliche Bildung von Alizarin.” Berichte der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, 1869. vol. 2. p. 14. (With K. Liebermann.)
Geschichte der organischen Chemie, vol. I. Berlin, 1920. Vol. 2: Geschichte der organische Chemie seit 1880, by P. Walden. Berlin, 1941.


Shorlemmer. K. Vozniknovenie i razvitie organicheskoi khimii. Moscow, 1937. (Translated from English.)
Duden, P. and H. Decker. “Nachruf auf Carl Graebe.” Berichte der
Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. 1928, vol. 61. section 2, pp.9–46.