Becquerel, Jean

Becquerel, Jean


Born Feb.5,1878, in Paris; died July 4, 1953, in Pornichet. French physicist. Member of the Parisian Academy of Sciences (1946). A son of A. H. Becquerel. Professor at the Parisian National Museum of Natural History.

Becquerel studied the propagation of circularly polarized electromagnetic waves in magnetic mediums, the anomalous dispersion of sodium vapors, the Zeeman effect in pleo-chroic crystals, and (with Kamerlingh Onnes) the phenomena occurring in a substance placed in a magnetic field at the temperatures of liquid air and liquid hydrogen.


“Sur les spectres d’absorption de quelques cristaux de terres rares. . . . ” Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences, 1925, vol. 181, no. 21.


Le Grand, Y. “Jean Becquerel (1878–1953).” Cahiers de physique, 1954, no. 48. Pages 1–4.