Kotov, Vasilii

Kotov, Vasilii Timofeevich


Born Mar. 20 (Apr. 1), 1899, in the village of Berezovo, Pavlovsk District, Voronezh Province. Soviet epizootologist. Doctor of Veterinary Sciences (1952); corresponding member of the Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1956). Member of the CPSU since 1945.

Kotov graduated from the Novocherkassk Veterinary Institute in 1928. In 1932 he became director of the subdepartment of epizootology of the Voronezh Agricultural Institute. His principal work has been devoted to the study of diseases of pigs (plague, erysipelas, paratyphoid, pox, Aujeszky’s disease). Kotov obtained a live antierysipelas vaccine and suggested that it be used in medical practice. He has been awarded three orders and several medals.


Bolezni svinei, protekaiushchie s priznakom porazheniia nervnoi sistemy. Voronezh, 1950.
”Puti napravlennoi izmenchivosti bakterii rozhi svinei i opyt polucheniia vaktsinnykh shtammov.” Trudy Voronezhskoi oblastnoi nauchnoissledovatel’skoi veterinarnoi opytnoi stantsii, 1955, issue 4.