Acronym | Definition |
GMI➣German-Malaysian Institute (est. 1992) |
GMI➣Global Medical Imaging (North Carolina) |
GMI➣General Mills, Inc. |
GMI➣Global Market Insite, Inc. (software; various locations) |
GMI➣Generic Management Information |
GMI➣Generic Memory Management Interface |
GMI➣Generic Mapping Interface |
GMI➣Geometry Model Instance |
GMI➣Geometric Modeling Interface |
GMI➣General Motors Institute |
GMI➣Genomic Medicine Institute (Cleveland Institute; Cleveland, OH) |
GMI➣Global MSF Interoperability |
GMI➣Governance Metrics International (New York, New York) |
GMI➣Georgia Military Institute (est. 1851) |
GMI➣Global Media Intelligence |
GMI➣Gareth Morgan Investments (New Zealand) |
GMI➣International Grandmaster (chess) |
GMI➣Gross Monthly Income |
GMI➣Giant Magneto-Impedance |
GMI➣Guaranteed Minimum Income (social welfare system; various nations) |
GMI➣Global Medical Instrumentation |
GMI➣General Military Intelligence |
GMI➣Global Modeling Initiative |
GMI➣Global Market Initiative (renewable energy) |
GMI➣Global Markets Investment |
GMI➣Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology (Vienna, Austria) |
GMI➣Geo-Marine, Inc. |
GMI➣Goodman Media International (New York) |
GMI➣Gorgas Memorial Institute (of Tropical and Preventive Medicine, Panama) |
GMI➣Good Mobile Intranet |
GMI➣Generalized Mutual Information |
GMI➣Goddard Management Instruction |
GMI➣Gold Moon Incorporated |
GMI➣Ground Maintenance Interrogation |
GMI➣General Management Inspection |
GMI➣Government Materiel Inspection |
GMI➣Graphic Metals, Inc. |
GMI➣Government Monitoring Information |
GMI➣Graduate Management Institute |
GMI➣Generic Model Interface (simulation modeling) |
GMI➣Gross Margin Improvement (profitability) |
GMI➣Gas Mask Insert |
GMI➣Greater Mission Initiative |
GMI➣Genetically Modified Ingredient |
GMI➣Genetically Modified Insect |