Acronym | Definition |
FTW➣Forget the World (polite form) |
FTW➣For the World |
FTW➣For the Win |
FTW➣Free to Watch |
FTW➣Follow the Way |
FTW➣For the Wolf |
FTW➣Face the World |
FTW➣Finding the Way (various locations) |
FTW➣For the Will |
FTW➣For the Weak |
FTW➣Feel The Wind |
FTW➣Feed the World (Internet slang) |
FTW➣From The Wilderness (publication; Ashland, OR) |
FTW➣For The Wii |
FTW➣Ford Truck World |
FTW➣Fight to Win |
FTW➣Feel the Wrath |
FTW➣Fort Wainwright, Alaska |
FTW➣Fate of Two Worlds (video game) |
FTW➣Flying Training Wing |
FTW➣Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien (Vienna, Austria) |
FTW➣Fear the Wife |
FTW➣Files and Settings Transfer Wizard |
FTW➣Free the Whales |
FTW➣Fort Worth Intermodal Transportation Center (Amtrak station code; Fort Worth, TX) |
FTW➣Free the Weed |
FTW➣Frequency Tuning Word |
FTW➣Free Trade Wharf |
FTW➣Florida Tax Watch |
FTW➣Fare Thee Well |
FTW➣For Those Wondering |
FTW➣For the Worms |
FTW➣Find the Waldo |
FTW➣Forever Two Wheels |
FTW➣Frank the Welder (mountain bikes) |
FTW➣Fort Worth Meacham Field (Airport Code) |
FTW➣Future Technology Workshop |
FTW➣Forward Towards Wing (Hattrick; online game) |
FTW➣Families Than Work |
FTW➣Free The Wookies (humor) |
FTW➣Forever Truly White |
FTW➣Forward the Word (Internet slang) |
FTW➣Free the Weak |
FTW➣Full Throttle Workshop |
FTW➣Forever Together Whenever (gaming clan) |