Acronym | Definition |
CAIP➣Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants |
CAIP➣Canadian Association of Internet Providers |
CAIP➣Commonwealth Association of Indigenous Peoples (UK) |
CAIP➣Center for Advanced Information Processing (Advanced Technology Center at Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ) |
CAIP➣Crestron Authorized Independent Programmer (Crestron Electronics, Inc.) |
CAIP➣Computer Aids for Industrial Productivity |
CAIP➣Commercial Automobile Insurance Plan (New Jersey) |
CAIP➣Certified Aviation Insurance Professional |
CAIP➣Consortium of Affiliates for International Programs |
CAIP➣Catholic Association for International Peace |
CAIP➣Customer Assisted Inspection Program (USDA/State inspection program for fresh fruits and vegetables) |
CAIP➣Chris Alistair Ian Paul (UK) |
CAIP➣Calf Intestine Alkaline Phosphatase |