Collet-Sicard syndrome

Col·let-Si·card syn·drome

(kō-lā' sē-kahr'), unilateral lesions of the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth cranial nerves producing Vernet syndrome and paralysis of the tongue on the same side.

Collet-Sicard syndrome

(kō-le′sē-kar′) [Frédric-Justin Collet, Fr. otorhinolaryngologist, 1870-1966; Jean Anasthase Sicard, Fr. radiologist, 1872-1929] Unilateral paralysis of cranial nerves IX, X, XI, and XII, e.g. after a fracture of the occipital condyle of the skull. The syndrome may also be caused by brain abscesses or tumors.


Frédric-Justin, French otolaryngologist, 1870–. Collet-Sicard syndrome - unilateral lesions of cranial nerves IX, X, XI, and XII, producing Vernet syndrome and paralysis of the tongue on the same side.


Jean Anasthase, French physician, 1872-1929. Collet-Sicard syndrome - see under Collet