collection agency, medical bills

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Country: United States of America
State: New YorkHello. I hope that you can give me some information with a problem I am having. I am being harassed by a collection agency trying to collect medicals fees for that I am not responsible for. I was involved in a car accident in September, 2000. I filed the appropriate No-Fault paperwork and took a two Mires. While my case was being settled my insurance company went bankrupt and was taken over by the State of New York Insurance Department Liquidation Bureau. Two years ago I received a letter from a collection agency saying I owe $2799.91 for the Mires. I contacted the collection agency and I forwarded all paperwork, including two letters from the State of New York Insurance Department Liquidation Bureau proving that I did file all necessary No-Fault paperwork, and it was in fact the medical office that did not appropriately submit their claims for No-Fault reimbursement. I also gave them the name of Ricardo Jordan, he is the person at the Liquidation Bureau handling the case. I told them of the situation and explained how it could be resolved. I called the collection agency a few weeks later and was told it was all taken care of I believed that everything was taken care of then and haven't heard from the collection agency since. The only reason I was made aware of this is because I am receiving letters from my credit card companies lowering my credit limits by $5,000 do to the negative entries that the collection agency put on my credit reports. I called the collection agency on 12/7/05 and was told that the issue is still going on and now I owe close to $4000. I also contacted the medical office and was told the collection agency never made them aware about submitting the bills to the Liquidation Bureau I don't understand how I can be held responsible for something that wasn't my fault, and I have proof from the State of New York saying so. If there is any information you can give me I would really apprecitate it.


Based on what you say here, you could probably file suit against them (or at least threaten to do so) in small claims court or in regular court; filing in small claims court is easier and requires no could try to collect all of the costs and damages that you suffered due to their behavior... You may also report them to your state attorney general's office.