end-stage renal disease

end-stage renal disease

 chronic renal failure that is irreversible; at this stage serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels continue to rise and there is uremia with impairment of all body systems.

re·nal fail·ure

loss of renal function, either acute or chronic, that results in azotemia and syndrome of uremia. Synonym(s): end-stage renal disease

end-stage renal disease

End-organ disease, end-stage renal failure The decompensated stage of chronic renal failure, defined as renal insufficiency of a degree that requires dialysis or kidney transplantation for survival Epidemiology 30% of ESRD is linked to DM and HTN, the most common causes of ESRD; ESRD is seen in kidneys subjected to chronic dialysis Costs ESRD programs for 200,000 Pts–0.08% of US population, cost $6 x 109–0.8% of US health care budget Complications Infection, possibly due to impaired macrophage Fc-receptor function Management Kidney transplantation, see there Prognosis 1-yr survival of graft, ±94%; half-life from living donor grafts, ±22 yrs, from cadaveric grafts, ±14 yrs.

End-stage renal disease (ESRD)

Total kidney failure; chronic kidney failure is diagnosed as ESRD when kidney function falls to 5-10% of capacity.Mentioned in: Chronic Kidney Failure