

单词 cadmium



C0014300 (kăd′mē-əm)n. Symbol Cd A soft, bluish-white metallic element occurring primarily in zinc, copper, and lead ores, that is easily cut with a knife and is used in nickel-cadmium storage batteries, rustproof electroplating, nuclear reactor shields, solders, and in low-friction, fatigue-resistant alloys. Atomic number 48; atomic weight 112.41; melting point 321.1°C; boiling point 767°C; specific gravity 8.65; valence 2. See Periodic Table.
[Latin cadmīa, calamine (the ore of zinc from which cadmium was first extracted as an impurity) (from Greek kadmeia (gē), Theban (earth), from Kadmos, Cadmus; see Cadmus) + -ium.]
cad′mic (-mĭk) adj.


(ˈkædmɪəm) n (Elements & Compounds) a malleable ductile toxic bluish-white metallic element that occurs in association with zinc ores. It is used in electroplating, alloys, and as a neutron absorber in the control of nuclear fission. Symbol: Cd; atomic no: 48; atomic wt: 112.411; valency: 2; relative density: 8.65; melting pt: 321.1°C; boiling pt: 767°C[C19: from New Latin, from Latin cadmīa zinc ore, calamine, referring to the fact that both calamine and cadmium are found in the ore]


(ˈkæd mi əm)

n. a white, ductile, divalent metallic element resembling tin, used in plating and in making certain alloys. Symbol: Cd; at. wt.: 112.41; at. no.: 48; sp. gr.: 8.6 at 20°C. [< German Kadmium (1817) < Latin cadm(īa) zinc oxide] cad′mic, adj.


(kăd′mē-əm) Symbol Cd A rare, bluish-white metallic element that occurs mainly in small amounts in zinc ores. It is soft and easily cut with a knife. Cadmium is plated onto other metals and alloys to prevent corrosion, and it is used to make rechargeable batteries and nuclear reactors. Atomic number 48. See Periodic Table.
Noun1.cadmium - a soft bluish-white ductile malleable toxic bivalent metallic elementcadmium - a soft bluish-white ductile malleable toxic bivalent metallic element; occurs in association with zinc oresatomic number 48, Cdmetal, metallic element - any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.calamine, hemimorphite - a white mineral; a common ore of zinc



(kăd`mēəm) [from cadmia, Lat. for calamine, with which cadmium is found associated], metallic chemical element; symbol Cd; at. no. 48; at. wt. 112.411; m.p. 321&degC;; b.p. 765&degC;; sp. gr. 8.65 at 20&degC;; valence +2. Cadmium is a lustrous, silver-white, ductile, very malleable metal. It belongs to Group 12 of the periodic tableperiodic table,
chart of the elements arranged according to the periodic law discovered by Dmitri I. Mendeleev and revised by Henry G. J. Moseley. In the periodic table the elements are arranged in columns and rows according to increasing atomic number (see the table entitled
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, and resembles zinczinc,
metallic chemical element; symbol Zn; at. no. 30; at. wt. 65.38; m.p. 419.58&degC;; b.p. 907&degC;; sp. gr. 7.133 at 25&degC;; valence +2. Zinc is a lustrous bluish-white metal. It is found in Group 12 of the periodic table.
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 in its chemical properties. Like zinc, it tarnishes in moist air. Cadmium oxide, a brown powder formed by burning the metal in air, is used in electroplating; it is also made by heating cadmium hydroxide. Cadmium forms a carbonate, a chloride, and several complex ions. Cadmium yellow (the sulfide) is a very durable yellow pigment used in paints. The major use of cadmium is as a coating that is electroplated on iron and steel to prevent corrosion; it is preferable to zinc for protection from alkalies. Cadmium is also used in so-called fusible metals, which are low-melting alloys such as Wood's metal, used in automatic fire sprinklers and alarm systems. Cadmium is used in alkaline nickel-cadmium electric storage cells, which have a greater storage capacity than an equal weight of lead-acid storage cells. It has also found some use in the control of nuclear reactions, since it absorbs neutrons. Cadmium does not occur uncombined in nature; greenockite, a cadmium sulfide mineral first found in Scotland, is the only commercial ore. Cadmium is obtained principally as a byproduct of the smelting and refining of ores of zinc, especially zinc sulfides, and of lead and copper. The element was discovered in 1817 by Friedrich Stromeyer.



Cd, a chemical element of Group II of the periodic system of Mendeleev. Atomic number, 48; atomic weight, 112.40. Cadmium is a white, shiny, heavy, soft, ductile metal. The element consists of a mixture of eight stable isotopes with the mass numbers 106 (1.215 percent), 108 (0.875 percent), 110 (12.39 percent), 111 (12.75 percent), 112 (24.07 percent), 113 (12.26 percent), 114 (28.86 percent), and 116 (7.58 percent).

Historical information. During inspection of a drugstore in 1817 the german chemist F. Strohmeyer found that the zinc carbonate there contained an unknown metal as an impurity, which was precipitated in the form of a yellow sulfide on treatment with hydrogen sulfide in an acid solution. Strohmeyer called the discovered metal cadmium (from the Greek kadmeia, impure zinc oxide, also zinc ore). Independently from him, the German scientists K. Hermann, K. Karsten, and W. Meissner discovered cadmium in Silesian zinc ores in 1818.

Distribution in nature. Cadmium is a rare, widely scattered element with a clarke value of 1.3 × 10-5 percent by weight in the lithosphere. Migration in hot underground waters with zinc and other chalcophilic elements is characteristic of cadmium as is its concentration in hydrothermal deposits. The mineral sphalerite, ZnS, contains up to 0.5-1 percent cadmium in some locations; the maximum content is 5 percent. Greenockite, CdS, is found less frequently. Cadmium is concentrated in marine sedimentary rocks—shales (Mansfeld, GDR)—as well as in sandstones, in which it is also combined with zinc and other chalcophilic elements. Three very rare well-identified cadmium minerals are known in the biosphere: the carbonate CdCC>3 (ota-vite), the oxide CdO, and the selenide CdSe.

Physical and chemical properties. The cadmium crystal lattice is hexagonal, a = 2.97311 Å, c = 5.60694 Å (at 25°C). The atomic radius measures 1.56 Å, and the ionic radius of Cd2+measures 1.03 Å. The density is 8.65 g/cm3 (at 20°C); the melting point, 320.9°C; the boiling point, 767°C; the coefficient of thermal expansion, 29.8 × 10-6 (at 25°C); thermal conductivity (at 0°C), 97.55 W/(m.°K), or 0.233 cal/(cm.sec• °C); specific heat (at 25°C), 225.02 joules per kilogram • degree Kelvin, or 0.055 cal/(g.°C); specific electrical resistivity (at 20°C), 7.4 × 10-8 ohm«m (7.4 × 10-6 ohm.cm); temperature coefficient of electrical resistivity, 4.3 × 10-3 (0°-100°C); tensile strength, 64 meganewtons per square meter (MN/m2), or 6.4 kilograms-force per square millimeter (kgf/mm2); relative elongation, 20 percent; and Brinell hardness, 160 MN/m2, or 16 kgf/mm2.

In accordance with the external electron configuration of the atom 4dl05s2, the valence of cadmium in compounds is equal to 2 (there are, however, indications of the formation of Cd22+ ions during the solution of cadmium in molten CdCl2). Cadmium loses its luster on exposure to air with formation of a thin coating of the oxide CdO, which protects the metal from further oxidation. Intense heating in air leads to the combustion of cadmium to give the oxide CdO, a crystalline powder of light brown to dark brown color and density of 8.15 g/cm3; CdO sublimes without melting at 700°C. Cadmium combines directly with the halogens, and the resulting compounds are colorless. CdCl2, CdBr2, and Cdl2 are readily soluble in water (about one part anhydrous salt in one part water at 20°C), whereas CdF2 is less soluble (one part in 25 parts water). Cadmium reacts with sulfur to yield the sulfide CdS, which is lemon-yellow to orange-red in color and insoluble in water and dilute acids. Cadmium readily dissolves in nitric acid with the evolution of nitrogen oxides and the formation of a nitrate, which gives the hydrate Cd(N0 3)2. 4H2). Cadmium slowly liberates hydrogen from hydrochloric and dilute sulfuric acids; upon evaporation of the solutions hydrates of chloride, 2CdCl2. 5H2O, and sulfate, 3CdSO4. 8H2, crystallize out. Solutions of cadmium salts have acidic reactions owing to hydrolysis. Alkali hydroxides precipitate from these solutions the white hydroxide Cd(OH)2, which is insoluble in an excess of reagent. However, the action of concentrated caustic solutions on Cd(OH)2 yields hydroxocadmiates, for example, Na2[Cd(OH)2]. The Cd2+ cation readily forms complex ions with ammonia—[Cd(NH3)4]2+—and with cyanide—[Cd(CN)4]2+ and [Cd(CN)6]4-. Numerous basic, double, and complex cadmium salts are known. Cadmium compounds are toxic; inhalation of its oxide vapors is particularly dangerous.

Preparation and uses. Cadmium is prepared from the byproducts of the processing of zinc, lead-zinc, and copper-zinc ores. These products, containing 0.2-7 percent cadmium, are treated with dilute sulfuric acid, which dissolves the oxides of cadmium and zinc. Cadmium is precipitated from the solution by the addition of zinc dust. The spongy residue (mixture of cadmium and zinc) is dissolved in dilute sulfuric acid, and cadmium is separated by electrolysis of this solution. Electrolytic cadmium is remelted under a layer of sodium hydroxide and cast into sticks. The purity of the metal is not less than 99.98 percent.

Metallic cadmium is used in nuclear reactors, for anticorrosion and decorative coatings, and in storage batteries. Cadmium is the basis for some bearing alloys, and it is a component of low-melting alloys (for example, Wood’s alloy). Low-melting alloys are used for joining glass to metal, in automatic fire extinguishing systems, for fine and complex castings in gypsum molds, and for other purposes. Cadmium sulfide (cadmium yellow) is a pigment used in art. Cadmium sulfate and amalgam are used in the Weston standard cell.

Cadmium in the organism. The cadmium content of plants is 10-4 percent (on a dry basis), whereas the cadmium content of some animals (sponges, coelenterates, worms, echinoderms, and tunicates) is 4 × 10-5-3 × 10-3 percent (on a dry basis). Cadmium has been detected in all vertebrates. The liver is particularly rich in cadmium. The physiological importance of cadmium has not been adequately investigated, but it is known that cadmium affects carbohydrate metabolism, the synthesis of hip-puric acid in the liver, and the activity of some enzymes.


Pogodin, S. A. “Cadmium.” In Kratkaia khimicheskaia entsiklopediia, vol. 2. Moscow, 1963.
Remy, H. Kurs neorganicheskoi khimii, vol. 2. Moscow, 1966. Pages 476-86. (Translated from German.)



[′kad·mē·əm] (chemistry) A chemical element, symbol Cd, atomic number 48, atomic weight 112.40. (metallurgy) A tin-white, malleable, ductile metal capable of high polish; principal use is in the plating of iron and steel, and to a much less extent of copper, brass, and other alloys, to protect them from corrosion and improve solderability and surface conductivity, and as a control absorber and shield in nuclear reactors.


a malleable ductile toxic bluish-white metallic element that occurs in association with zinc ores. It is used in electroplating, alloys, and as a neutron absorber in the control of nuclear fission. Symbol: Cd; atomic no.: 48; atomic wt.: 112.411; valency: 2; relative density: 8.65; melting pt.: 321.1°C; boiling pt.: 767°C



 (Cd) [kad´me-um] a chemical element, atomic number 48. (See Appendix 6.) Inhalation of cadmium fumes causes pulmonary edema with proliferative interstitial pneumonia and various degrees of lung damage. Cadmium poisoning may occur due to occupational exposure, smoking, and ingestion of certain foods (kidneys and livers; seafoods such as mussels, oysters, and crabs; and some grains). Maternal cadmium exposure can cause abnormal embryonic development by interfering with normal zinc ion metabolic activities.

cad·mi·um (Cd),

(kad'mē-ŭm), A metallic element, atomic no. 48, atomic wt. 112.411; its salts are poisonous and little used in medicine but are frequently used in the basic sciences. Various compounds of cadmium are used commercially in metallurgy, photography, and electrochemistry; a few have been used as ascaricides, antiseptics, and fungicides. [L. cadmia, fr. G. kadmeia or kadmia, an ore of zinc, calamine]


A toxic divalent metallic element (atomic number 48, atomic weight 112.411), which is ubiquitous in nature and central to many industrial processes. Most cadmium is used for rechargeable batteries; it is also used in electroplating, nuclear fission, TV tubes, photocopier drums and paint pigments (yellow and red). It has no known physiologic role in higher animals.
Ref range
0–5.0 µg/L.
Toxic range
> 100 µg/L.


(Cd) (kad'mē-ŭm) A metallicelement, atomic no. 48, atomic wt. 112.411; its salts are poisonous and little used in medicine. Various compounds of cadmium are used commercially in fields such as metallurgy, photography, and electrochemistry; a few have been used as ascaricides, antiseptics, and fungicides. [L. cadmia, fr. G. kadmeia or kadmia, an ore of zinc, calamine]


A poisonous metal sometimes encountered as an air pollutant in industrial processes. Inhaled cadmium dust can cause lung inflammation. Cadmium is also damaging to the kidneys and can cause softening of the bones (OSTEOMALACIA).


(kad'mē-ŭm) Metallic element; its salts are poisonous and little used in medicine but are frequently employed in the basic sciences. [L. cadmia, fr. G. kadmeia or kadmia, an ore of zinc, calamine]
FinancialSeeCDSee KDM
See KDE Display Manager


Related to cadmium: Cadmium chloride, Cadmium oxide, Cadmium Plating, Cadmium poisoning
  • noun

Synonyms for cadmium

noun a soft bluish-white ductile malleable toxic bivalent metallic element


  • atomic number 48
  • Cd

Related Words

  • metal
  • metallic element
  • calamine
  • hemimorphite




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