Eternal Peace of 1686
Eternal Peace of 1686
a treaty between Russia and Poland signed in Moscow on May 6 by the Polish ambassadors K. Grzymultowski and M. Oginski and the Russian V. V. Golitsyn.
The text of the treaty consists of a preamble and 33 articles. The treaty, which confirmed the conditions of the Andrusovo Armistice of 1667, forever attached to Russia the Left-bank Ukraine, including Kiev and Zaporozh’e, the territory of Seversk with Chernigov and Starodub, and the city of Smolensk and its vicinity. Each government pledged not to sign a separate peace with the Turkish sultan. With the conclusion of the Eternal Peace, Russia became a participant in an anti-Turkish coalition that consisted of Poland, the Roman Empire, and Venice and pledged to organize a military campaign against the Crimean Khanate.
The conclusion of the Eternal Peace was a great success for Russian diplomacy. It marked a drastic change in Russo-Polish relations and played a significant role in the struggle of the peoples of Eastern Europe against the Turkish-Tatar aggressors. The Eternal Peace made easier Russia’s subsequent battle with Sweden for an outlet to the Baltic Sea.
Ocherki istorii SSSR: Period feodalizma, XVII v. Moscow, 1955. Chapter 4 par. 8.Istoriia Pol’ski, 2nd ed., vol. 1. Moscow, 1954. Chapter 7, par. 7.
Belov, M. I. “K istorii diplomaticheskikh otnoshenii Rossii vo vremia krymskikh pokhodov (1686-1689 gg.)” Uch. Zap. LGU: Seriia istoricheskikh nauk, 1949, no. 112, issue 14.