Acronym | Definition |
EMI➣Electromagnetic Interference |
EMI➣Emergency Management Institute |
EMI➣European Monetary Institute |
EMI➣Expérience de Mort Imminente (French: Near Death Experience) |
EMI➣Engineering Mechanics Institute (American Society of Civil Engineers) |
EMI➣Electromagnetic Induction |
EMI➣Educational Media International (journal; Taylor & Francis) |
EMI➣École des Métiers de l'Information (French: Trade School of Information) |
EMI➣European Movement International (lobbying group) |
EMI➣Event Management International (various locations) |
EMI➣Estimador Mensual Industrial (Spanish: Industrial Monthly Estimator) |
EMI➣Experiments in Musical Intelligence |
EMI➣External Machine Interface |
EMI➣Electro Magnetic Interference |
EMI➣Enhanced Multilayer Image |
EMI➣Experiments in Musical Intelligence (software) |
EMI➣Electrical and Musical Industries (EMI record company) |
EMI➣Enhanced Multilayer Software Image (Cisco) |
EMI➣École de Musique Intercommunale (French music school) |
EMI➣Experimental Musical Instruments (magazine) |
EMI➣Emergency Management Issues |
EMI➣Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs (Morocco) |
EMI➣Equated Monthly Installment |
EMI➣Emirates Media Inc. (Abu Dhabi, UAE) |
EMI➣Engineering, Manufacturing and Industrial (industry sector) |
EMI➣Eagle Materials, Inc. (Dallas, TX) |
EMI➣External Memory Interface |
EMI➣Electromagnetic Immunity |
EMI➣Escape from Monkey Island (LucasArts computer game) |
EMI➣Emerging Markets Index (HSBC) |
EMI➣Elderly Mentally Infirm (UK) |
EMI➣Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative |
EMI➣Employment Market Information (India) |
EMI➣Equipment Manufacturers Institute |
EMI➣Energy Markets International (various locations) |
EMI➣Equal Monthly Installments (finance/business) |
EMI➣Elderly Mentally Ill |
EMI➣Extended Market Index (finance) |
EMI➣External Machine Interface (SMS - Protocol) |
EMI➣Exchange Message Interface (Bellcore) |
EMI➣Entraide Missionnaire Internationale (French: Mutual International Missionary) |
EMI➣Extra Military Instruction |
EMI➣Education Market Intelligence (British Council Services for International Marketing; UK) |
EMI➣English as the Medium of Instruction (Hong Kong) |
EMI➣Electronic Money Institution |
EMI➣Ecosystem Management Initiative |
EMI➣Educable Mentally Impaired |
EMI➣Entraide Médicale Internationale |
EMI➣Essex Music, Inc. |
EMI➣Enterprise Mentors International (Draper, UT) |
EMI➣Encore Marketing International (Lanham, MD) |
EMI➣Enter Missing Involuntary (child disappearance; NCIC form datum) |
EMI➣Ecosystem Management Incorporation |
EMI➣Economics, Markets, Institutions (Lucca, Italy) |
EMI➣Electronic Message Interface |
EMI➣Énergie Minimale d'Inflammation (French: Minimum Ignition Energy) |
EMI➣Electro Magnetic Influence |
EMI➣Extramarital Intercourse (medical records) |
EMI➣External Muon Identifier |
EMI➣Electrical-Mechanical Inspection |
EMI➣Étanchéité Mécanique Industrielle (French: Industrial Mechanical Seal) |
EMI➣Extrinsic Mutual Information |
EMI➣Enterprise Management Implementation |
EMI➣Equateur Météorologique Incliné |