

(ă-mē'ba-pōr), An active peptide released from Entamoeba histolytica that can insert ion channels into liposomes and that has cytolytic and bactericidal activities. [amoeba + G. poros, passageway]


(ă-mē'bă-pōr) An active peptide released from Entamoeba histolytica that can insert ion channels into liposomes and possesses cytolytic and bactericidal activities. [amoeba + G. poros, passageway]


, amebapore (ă-mē′bă-por″) [ amoeba + pore] A family of three pore-forming peptides (amoebapore A [AP-A], AP-B, and AP-C). They insert into the membranes of bacteria or eukaryotic cells and form tiny holes that result in lysis of the target cells.