cuneiform osteotomy


 [os″te-ot´ah-me] incision or transection of a bone.cuneiform osteotomy removal of a wedge of bone.displacement osteotomy surgical division of a bone and shifting of the divided ends to change the alignment of the bone or to alter weight-bearing stresses.Le Fort osteotomy transverse sectioning and repositioning of the maxilla; the incision for each of the three types (Le Fort I, II, and III o's) is placed along the line defined by the corresponding fracture" >Le Fort's fracture.linear osteotomy the sawing or simple cutting of a bone.sagittal split osteotomy surgically splitting the ramus of the mandible sagitally and shifting the positions of the parts, performed to correct prognathism.

cuneiform osteotomy

The excision of a wedge of bone from the cuneiform. See also: osteotomy