Burnett syndrome

milk-·al·ka·li syn·drome

a chronic disorder characterized by pathologic deposition of calcium in many sites, especially in the kidneys; reversible in its early stages; induced by ingestion of large amounts of calcium and alkali, which were formerly used in the therapy of peptic ulcer; can progress to renal failure. Synonym(s): Burnett syndrome

milk-alkali syndrome

A condition caused by hypercalcaemia due to excess consumption of dairy products, or due to overuse (> 5g/day) of calcium-containing antacids (e.g., CaCO3) or alkalis (e.g., sodium bicarbonate) for treating peptic ulcer.
Clinical findings
Although usually asymptomatic, milk-alkali syndrome can cause high urine output, fatigue, nausea, constipation, and pain in the abdomen, back or loin (due to kidney stones). Metabolic derangements may cause renal failure via nephrocalcinosis and inability to compensate for alkalosis and dehydration.
Hypercalcaemia, severe compensated metabolic alkalosis, normo- to hyperphosphataemia.

milk-al·ka·li syn·drome

(milk-al'kă-lī sin'drōm) A chronic disorder of the kidneys, reversible in its early stages, induced by ingestion of large amounts of calcium and alkali in the therapy of peptic ulcer; can progress to renal failure.
Synonym(s): Burnett syndrome.


Charles H., U.S. physician, 1901-1967. Burnett syndrome - a chronic disorder of the kidneys, induced by ingestion of large amounts of calcium and alkali in the therapy of peptic ulcer. Synonym(s): milk-alkali syndrome