Sueji Umehara

Umehara, Sueji


Born 1893 in Osaka. Japanese archaeologist and historian of ancient cultures of the Far East. Professor at the University of Kyoto from 1939.

Umehara conducted excavations in Japan, China, and Korea. He has written works on the burial mounds of Noin-Ula, the primitive monuments of Tung Pei, and the excavations of the Yin capital at Anyang. Other works deal with the white painted pottery of Yin China, ancient Chinese jade, bronzes from the period of the “warring states” in China, ancient burial sites and ancient culture in Korea, and ancient burial sites and mounds in Japan.

Umehara’s most important articles are published by theme in the collections An Anthology of Articles on the Archaeology of Japan (1940), An Anthology of Articles on the Archaeology of China (1944), and An Anthology of Articles on the Archaeology of Eastern Asia (1944).