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cerebral dominance
cerebral dominance n (Physiology) the normal tendency for one half of the brain, usually the left cerebral hemisphere in right-handed people, to exercise more control over certain functions (e.g. handedness and language) than the other EncyclopediaSeedominancecerebral dominance
ce·re·bral dom·i·nancethe fact that one hemisphere is dominant over the other and will thereby exercise greater influence over certain functions; the left cerebral hemisphere is usually dominant in the control of speech, language and analytic processing, and mathematics, whereas the right hemisphere (usually nondominant) processes spatial concepts and language as related to certain types of visual images; handedness (right-handed people have left cerebral dominance) is considered a general example of cerebral dominance.ce·re·bral dom·i·nance (ser'ĕ-brăl dom'i-năns) The fact that one hemisphere is dominant over the other and exercises greater influence over certain functions; the left cerebral hemisphere is usually dominant in the controlof speech, language and analytic processing, and mathematics, whereas the right hemisphere (usually nondominant) processes spatial concepts and language as related to certain types of visual images; handedness (right-handed people have left cerebral dominance) is considered a general example of cerebral dominance. cerebral dominanceThe control of speech and handedness by one hemisphere of the brain. In 90% to 95% of human beings, the left cerebral hemisphere is functionally dominant; as a result most people are right-handed. A lesion (such as a stroke or tumor) to the left cerebral hemisphere of such people will produce aphasia and right-sided paralysis. Aphasia rarely occurs in right-handed people from a right cerebral lesion. In 60% of left-handed people with aphasia from a cerebral lesion, the left side is affected. In some left-handed patients, it is possible that language function is controlled partially by both the left and right cerebal hemispheres. See: strokeSee also: dominance |