Burmov, Aleksandr Kolev
Burmov, Aleksandr Kolev
Born Feb. 2, 1911; died Sept. 3, 1965. Bulgarian historian. Professor at the University of Sofia (1946); corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1958). Member of the Bulgarian Communist Party from 1944. Burmov was a specialist on the medieval history of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian national liberation movement of the 1860’s and 1870’s.
Bulgarski revoliutsionen tsentralen komitet (1868-1877), 2nd ed. Sofia, 1950.Istoriia na Bulgariia prez vremeto na Shishmanovtsi (1323-1396). Sofia, 1947.
kum istoriiata na rusko-bulgarskite vruzki prez 1876. Sofia, 1951.