

单词 cnc
释义 DictionarySeenumerical control



(control systems) computer numerical control


Collaborative Networked Communication


(Computerized Numerical Control) See numerical control.


CNCCollege of New Caledonia (Canada)
CNCCommand and Conquer
CNCComputer Numerically Controlled
CNCComputer Numerical Control (manufacturing)
CNCCentre National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée (French cinematography center)
CNCConseil National de la Communication (French: National Council for Communication)
CNCConseil National de la Consommation (French: National Consumer Council; est. 1983)
CNCCharlotte, North Carolina
CNCControl Numérico Computarizado (Spanish: Computerized Numerical Control)
CNCConseil National de la Chirurgie (French: National Board of Surgery)
CNCConfédération Nationale de la Construction (French: National Confederation of Construction; Belgium)
CNCConfédération Nationale des Cadres (French: National Confederation of Executives; Belgium)
CNCCámara Nacional de Comercio (Spanish: National Chamber of Commerce; Bolivia and Chile)
CNCComisión Nacional de Comunicaciones (Argentina communications regulatory body)
CNCConseil National de la Comptabilité (France)
CNCChippewa Nature Center (Midland Township, MI)
CNCConfederación Nacional Campesina (Spanish: National Peasant Confederation, Mexico)
CNCCampus Networking Committee
CNCComputerized Numerical Control
CNCClick and Create
CNCCall if Non Carry
CNCCommander in Chief
CNCCapital News Centre (Canada)
CNCCovenant Not to Compete
CNCCoffee and Chat (various organizations)
CNCCamden National Corporation (Maine)
CNCCercle Nautique Calédonien (French: Caledonian Nautical Circle; New Caledonia)
CNCChina Network Communications
CNCCommunity Newspaper Company (various locations)
CNCComité National de la Conchyliculture (French: National Shellfish Committee)
CNCClinical Nurse Consultant
CNCCivil Nuclear Constabulary (UK)
CNCCommission on Nurse Certification (American Association of Colleges of Nursing)
CNCCertified Nutritional Consultant
CNCComputer Network Consultants (various locations)
CNCChinese National Committee (various organizations)
CNCConfigurable Network Computing
CNCComputerized Numerically Controlled
CNCConserved Non-Coding (genetics)
CNCCatholic Newman Center (various locations)
CNCCentre for Nature Conservation (Germany)
CNCCarson-Newman College (Tennessee)
CNCClub Nautique Castelbriantais (French water sports club)
CNCCranial Neural Crest
CNCCarney Complex
CNCClub Nautique de Chartrettes (French water sports club)
CNCCopy Number Change
CNCChina Netcom Corporation
CNCCadet Nurse Corps (American World War II program)
CNCCayuga Nature Center (Ithaca, NY)
CNCComprehensive Neuroscience Center (various locations)
CNCCondensation Nuclei Counter
CNCCity Neighborhood Council (Seattle, WA)
CNCCrime and Narcotics Center (DCI)
CNCClinical Nurse Coordinator
CNCCapitol News Connection (Washington, DC)
CNCCompagnie Nouvelle des Conteneurs (French transport company)
CNCChimpan News Channel (Japan)
CNCControlled Not Classified (biopharmaceutical industry)
CNCConsensual Non-Consent
CNCCommission Nationale de la Communication (French)
CNCCanmore Nordic Centre (Alberta, Canada)
CNCCongreso Nacional de Canarias (National Congress of the Canary Islands; separatist group)
CNCComplex Number Calculator
CNCCommittee of National Coordinators (GUAM economic cooperative group)
CNCCommunications Network Control
CNCComplemented Natural Code (coding theory)
CNCCentre de Neuroscience Cognitives (French: Cognitive Neuroscience Center)
CNCCurrently Not Collectable
CNCCentral Nacional Campesina (Spanish: National Farmer Center)
CNCComputer Numeric Code
CNCCollege Not Combat (San Francisco, CA)
CNCCollaborative Networked Communication
CNCCentral Navigation Computer
CNCCommunity Nutrition Center (Bangladesh)
CNCChin National Council (Burma)
CNCCounter-Narcotics Center (CIA)
CNCClearnet Communications, Inc. (Canada)
CNCCambodian Network Council
CNCConstitutionalists' Networking Center
CNCChange Notice Code
CNCCouncil for Nursing Centers
CNCCommunication and Network Consulting AG (Munich)
CNCChicken Noodle Coalition
CNCCommon Names Committee (Western Forest Insect Work Conference)
CNCCarrots and Cheese (web comic)
CNCComité National Canadien de la Classification TNM ( French: Canadian National Classification Committee)
CNCCentralized Network Configuration
CNCCustomer Network Controller
CNCConcerned Citizen Party
CNCClosed, Non-Collectable
CNCCoalition Netops Center
CNCCentral Numerical Control
CNCCarolina Nanocenter (University of South Carolina)
CNCCritical National Capability




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