

单词 ctr



abbreviation for (Aeronautics) Control Traffic Zone: an area established around an airport to afford protection to aircraft entering or leaving the terminal area





(nucleonics) controlled thermonuclear reactor


On drawings, abbr. for center.
FinancialSeeClick-Through Rate


CTRClick Through Rate
CTRCorrect the Record (political action committee)
CTRChrist the Redeemer
CTRCivic Type R (Honda)
CTRCrash Team Racing (Sony video game)
CTRChoose the Right (church saying)
CTRCooperative Threat Reduction
CTRCooperative Threat Reduction (Counter-Strike gaming clan)
CTRClinical and Translational Research (various organizations)
CTRCassette Tape Recorder
CTRChoose the Right
CTRCurrency Transaction Report
CTRCut the Rope (game)
CTRCoffee Time Romance
CTRCouncil for Tobacco Research
CTRCurrent Transfer Ratio
CTRCenter for Transportation Research
CTRCommute Trip Reduction (program to encourage ridesharing)
CTRCorbett Tiger Reserve (India)
CTRCarta Tecnica Regionale (Italian: Regional Technical Map)
CTRCrystal Tea Room (Philadelphia, PA)
CTRClassic Theme Restorer (Mozilla Firefox)
CTRCanadian Tire Retail
CTRComposites Technology and Research (American Society for Testing and Materials)
CTRCarinthian Tech Research (Austria)
CTRCenter for Transatlantic Relations (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD)
CTRCommission Technique Régionale (French: Regional Technical Commission)
CTRConservative Talk Radio
CTRCincinnati Time Recorder
CTRConnect to Resource
CTRGroup C Turbo Ruf
CTRConnect Time Record
CTRCustomer Trouble Report
CTRCarpal Tunnel Release
CTRControl Zone
CTRCompany Tax Rate (various locations)
CTRCentre de Traitement et de Réadaptation (French: Center for Treatment and Rehabilitation; various locations)
CTRCisco Threat Response (software)
CTRCoater (paper Industry)
CTRChrist the Rock (church)
CTRChlamydia Trachomatis
CTRCertified Tumor Registrar
CTRCaroline True Records (UK)
CTRClinical Trial Registry (various locations)
CTRCompetitive Trail Ride
CTRCalifornia Toxics Rule
CTRChevaliers Tireurs Rumilliens (French shooting club)
CTRCash Transaction Report (Indonesia)
CTRCalcitonin Receptor
CTRCycle Time Reduction
CTRCenter for Telecommunications Research (Columbia University)
CTRCrew Time Report
CTRCenter for Tourism Research
CTRCommissione Tributaria Regionale (Italian: Regional Tax Commission)
CTRCopper Transporter
CTRCyclotouristes de Rambouillet (French cycling club)
CTRCommitment, Teamwork, Respect (Xbox gaming community)
CTRChaudronnerie Tuyauterie Ruck (French boilermaking company)
CTRCommon Technical Regulation
CTRCentre Technique Regional (French: Regional Technocal Center)
CTRCardio-Thoracic Ratio
CTRCoal Tar Refining Co. (Iran)
CTRComplete the Record (US Army)
CTRCenter for Tobacco Research
CTRCertified Trauma Responder (Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists)
CTRCertified Test Report
CTRComputer Technology Research Corp.
CTRCurrent Tax Referencer (India)
CTRCarlton Trail Railway (Canada)
CTRCentre de Traumatologie et de Réadaptation (French: Traumatology and Rehabilitation Center; Belgium)
CTRCivil Tilt Rotor
CTRCustom Tracked Ride (Atari)
CTRContract Technical Representative
CTRContinuous Technology Refreshment (life cycle strategy)
CTRClose Target Reconnaissance
CTRCustomer Technical Representative
CTRCommunity Technology Review (journal)
CTRCertified Technical Representative (construction)
CTRCombat Training Range
CTRChopper Trike Rebels (band)
CTRCentre for Transportation Research (National University of Singapore)
CTRControlled Thermonuclear Reactor
CTRCommon Technical Requirements
CTRConfidential Treatment Request
CTRCatholics Totally Rule
CTRCost, Time and Resource
CTRChildren's Term Rider (life insurance)
CTRCritical Temperature Resistor
CTRCorrupt the Righteous (mixed drink)
CTRContinuous Technology Refreshment
CTRCell Traffic Recording (Mobile Telephony)
CTRCircle to Rectangle (diffusers)
CTRCrazy Town Roswell (Roswell, NM)
CTRCancer Therapy Reviews
CTRCentral Texas Refuse
CTRCost, Time and Resources
CTRCall to Response
CTRChoose to Rave
CTRCanonical Teacher Resources
CTRContinuous Tone Reproduction
CTRControl the Rage (gaming community)
CTRCovering the Reading (UCSMP Math Textbooks)
CTRCensus Tract Report
CTRCustomer Transceiver (LMDS)
CTRContractor Task Report
CTRControl Temperature Ratio
CTR(USN Rating) Cryptologic Technician (Collection)
CTRCrave The Rave (rave scene)
CTRContract Transition Review
CTRCentral Travel Record
CTRCore Thrust Reverser
CTRControl Tower Region (aviation)




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