

单词 ap



abbr.1. accounts payable2. advanced placement3. American plan4. antipersonnel5. Associated Press6. author's proof


(æp) prefixson of: occurring as part of some surnames of Welsh origin: ap Thomas. [from Welsh mab son]


abbreviation for 1. (Law) Air Police 2. (Journalism & Publishing) Associated Press


1. adjective phrase. 2. Trademark. Advanced Placement (Program). 3. Air Police. 4. American plan. 5. antipersonnel. 6. Associated Press. 7. author's proof.


, var. of ad- before p: appear.


, var. of apo- before a vowel or h: aphelion.


1. Apostle. 2. Apothecaries'. 3. April.


or a/p,

1. account paid. 2. accounts payable.



(naval architecture) after-perpendicular

access panel

A removable panel (usually secured with screws) in a frame which is usually mounted in a ceiling or wall; provides access to a concealed item that does not require frequent attention.



 angina pectoris; anteroposterior; arterial pressure.


Abbreviation for area postrema; anteroposterior.


Abbreviation for anteroposterior.

Patient discussion about AP

Q. My boy has diabetes. Recently he was diagnosed with vitiligo. What is it and what can be the reason for this? My boy has diabetes. recently he was diagnosed with vitiligo. Our doctor said that he hopes it not a polyglandular autoimmune syndrome. what is vitiligo and what does this big phrase (polyglandular autoimmune syndrome) mean? A. Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder and the major cause of vitiligo is the autoimmunity. Some internal factor cause the destruction of melanocytes cell which produce the melanin a substance responsible for the coloration of skin. this lack of melanin infect results in white patch on skin of hypo pigmentation.
Normally vitiligo is not related with other disease like diabetes. However a little inheritance may include in the occurence of vitiligo.

More discussions about AP
FinancialSeeaccounts payable


APAssociated Press
APAdvanced Placement
APAccess Point
APAccounts Payable
APAssociate Professor
APAndhra Pradesh (India)
APAir Pollution
APArmed Forces Pacific
APAccredited Professional
APAccess Port
APAssistant Principal
APAsia Pacific
APAnatomy and Physiology
APAction Potential
APArabian Peninsula
APAll Purpose (RealTree camoflauge)
APApplication Process
APAutomotive Parts
APAttack Power
APAssistant Professor
APApplied Physics
APAction Plan
APAdobe Photoshop
APAsset Protection (retail)
APApplication Program
APAcademic Press
APAttachment Parenting (parenting style)
APAccelerator Pedal (automotive technology)
APAmapa (Brazil)
APAnother Place (gaming forum)
APAmerican Pie (movie)
APAir Pump
APActive Participation (teaching style; also policy framework)
APAssistant to the President (LDS Mission)
APArlington Park (race track; Arlington Heights, IL)
APApple Pie
APAustin Powers
APAlmost Perfect
APAnimal Planet (television network)
APAmerican Psycho (movie)
APAmount of Precipitation
APAngina Pectoris
APAverage Power (US DoD)
APAmateur Photographer (UK Magazine)
APAntennas and Propagation (IEEE)
APAlpha Phi (El Camino College Chapter of Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society)
APAbsolute Power (movie)
APApplication Protocol
APAlternative Press (magazine)
APAdministrative Procedure
APAtmospheric Pressure
APAssociate Producer (various organizations)
APAll Points
APAlan Parsons (musician)
APAction Point
APAdjunct Professor
APAmerican Plan
APAnnual Plan
APAnimal Protein
APAmapá (Brazilian state)
APAnatomic Pathology
APAdrian Peterson (football player)
APAnchor Point (US DoD)
APAudience Participation
APAccess Provider
APAbility Power (League of Legends)
APArray Processor
APAnte Partum (Latin: Before Birth)
APAlfa Parf (hair care)
APAnalytical Psychology (Carl Jung)
APArtist's Proof (also seen as A/P)
APApplication Processor
APAcute Pain
APAlianza Popular (Spanish political party)
APAnti-Proton (TV show Andromeda)
APAmmonium Perchlorate
APAdvanced Program
APAfter Peak
APAnalysis Paralysis (gaming)
APAperture Priority (camera)
APAcid Phosphatase
APAccounting Period (USPS)
APAir Police
APAnterior Posterior (radiology)
APAdvance Payment
APApparent Power
APAerial Platform
APAnisotropy Parameter
APAir Publication
APAtelier Protégé (French: Sheltered Workshop)
APAirport Plaza (Crystal City, Arlington, VA)
APAcademic Psychiatry (journal)
APApothecaries' (possessive)
APAcquisition Plan
APApplication Profile (OSI)
APAdditional Premium
APAssociate Program (US Army)
APAdvanced Purchase
APAccess Panel
APAmerica's Promise (Alliance for Youth)
APAttitude Problem
APAvrupa Parlamentosu (Turkish: European Parliament)
APAuthorized Person
APAcellular Pertussis
APAssociate Partner
APAdministration Pénitentiaire (French: Prison Administration)
APAstral Projection
APAdvancement Project
APAntarctic Press (comic book publisher)
APAssistance Payments
APAnswer Print
APAgrarian Party
APAuxiliary Police
APAged Parent
APAdvantage Player (gambling)
APArithmetic Progression
APAssistant Producer
APAnomalous Propagation
APAutism Partnership
APAuxlliary Propulsion
APAthletes' Performance (est. 1999)
APAffirmative Procurement
APAudio Patchbay (cable)
APAcademic Pressure
APAsian Pride
APAdvanced Procurement
APAnnualized Premium
APAbility Points (roleplaying games)
APAggregation Point
APAcción Popular (Popular Action, Peru)
APAlki Point (Washington)
APAdvance Party
APAscoli Piceno, Marche (Italian province)
APAtypical Pneumonia
APanonymous platform (computing)
APApplications Process(es)
APAllied Perils (insurance)
APAcademic Proficiency
APAcupuncture Physician
APApelação (Appeal; Brazil)
APAs Purchased (ingredients weight for baking or cooking)
APAssigned Personnel
APAcidification Potential (environmental science)
APAstropulse (computing)
APAcetone Peroxide (explosive)
APAuthentication Proxy
APAttack Points (gaming)
APAppeal Panel
APAllied Publication
APAlarm Processor (AT&T)
APAccess Proxy
APAlternative Pipe
APApproved Permit
APArmor Penetrating
APAccessory Pathway
APApplications Programmer (Tandem)
APAdjective Phrase
APAmerican Petroleum, Inc. (Ohio)
APAccredited Person
APAdjunct Processor
APAccounting Point
APApproving Official
APAdvanced Prediction
APAdvance Procurement
APAssumed Position
APAdaptation Period
APActivation Product
APAffleck's Palace
APAccess Permit
APAutomation Production
APAccession Partnership (European Union)
APAppropriate Projects (Water Charity)
APAdductor Pollicis
APAunt Pat (band)
APAttached Processor
APAsset Position
APArunachal Pradesh, India
APGeomagnetic Activity Index
APAccumulation Period
APAccredited Personnel
APAlien Patrol (gaming)
APAvian Pox
APAdlerian Psychology (Alfred Adler)
APAvailability Planning
APAcoustic Processor
APAuxiliary Pump
APArithmetic Processor
APAgouti Protein
APAttribute Point(s)
APAbdominal Perineal
APArmenian Power (gang)
APAdapter Panel
APActivity Package
APAssociative Processor
APActive Patriot
APArtificial Pneumothorax (medical)
APActinic Prurigo (skin disease)
APAutomatic Pagination
APApplication Partition (Cisco)
APAppearance Potential
APAnnée Passé (French: last year)
APAdministration des Pensions (French: Pensions Administration; Belgium)
APAmmunition Point
APAussie Pwnage (gaming clan)
APAutobusni Promet (Croatian: Shareholding for Transport of Passengers)
APAryan Pride
APAssociazione Polisportiva (Italian: Sports Association)
APAssociated Processor
APAmtliche Prüfungsnummer (German: Official Test Number; wine)
APAttached Payload
APAttaching Part
APAuthor's Proof
APAngoraphobia (Christmas)
APAssoprovider (Italian ISP association)
APAdjustment Pending
APAdd Packed (IBM)
APAnalysis Propagation
APAdministrative Processor
APArmada Portuguesa (Portuguese Navy)
APApplied Photochemistry
APAutomatska Puška (Croatian: automatic rifle)
APAttitude Planning
APAuto Prévention
APAthens Process (former SEEERF)
APAcademy of Peridontology
APAdvocacy Poll
APAviation Proponency (US Army)
APArgument Programming
APAlpha-2-Antiplasmin Activity
APAmpere Plug
APArapahoe Philharmonic (Littleton, CO)
APAccess Permittee (TV and radio broadcasting)
APAveling Park
APArmies in the Pacific (used with APO/FPO)
APAttorney's Preference
APArithemetic Progression
APAdvisory Panel on Administration
APAssessment of Power Coefficient
APDaily Planetary Amplitude
APArithmetic/Associative Processor
APAmphibian Press (FFFBI)
APAnte Parandum (Latin: Before Dinner)
APAided Pilotage




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