

单词 csr



(in Australia) abbreviation for (Commerce) Colonial Sugar Refining Company



Control and Status Register


(1) (Customer Service Representative) A person who handles a customer's request regarding a bill, account change or merchandise ordered. Agents in call centers are known as CSRs. See call center.

(2) (Certificate Signing Request) A request made to a certificate authority (CA) from an organization or individual to obtain a digital certificate. The requesting party includes information that proves its identity and digitally signs the CSR with the private key that is generated from a public/private key pair. See digital certificate.

(3) (CSR plc, Cambridge, England, www.csr.com) A company that designs integrated circuits and software for wireless communications, including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, FM radio and NFC. See aptX.



Abbreviation for:
caesarean section rate
cataract surgery rate
central serous retinopathy
central supply room
cervical spine radiography
cervical spondylotic radiculopathy
Cheyne-Stokes respiration
combat stress reaction
Comprehensive Spending Review (Medspeak-UK)
corrected survival rate
cortisol secretion rate
cytoskeletal reorganisation


(ret?in-op'a-the) [ retina + -pathy] Any noninflammatory retinal damage or disease. It can cause gradual loss of vision or complete blindness if left untreated. It often results from another, systemic illness (e.g., hypertension or diabetes mellitus). See: table

albuminuric retinopathy

Hypertensive retinopathy.

arteriosclerotic retinopathy

Retinopathy accompanying generalized arteriosclerosis and hypertension.

central serous retinopathy

Abbreviation: CSR
Serous detachment under the macula due to leakage of fluid from the choriocapillaris into the subretinal space between the retina and retinal pigment epithelium. It occurs most often in men aged 20 to 40, typically involves one eye, and often resolves spontaneously.

circinate retinopathy

A ring of degenerated white exudative area of the retina around the macula. Synonym: circinate retinitis

diabetic retinopathy

Abbreviation: DR
Retinal damage marked by microaneurysms, hemorrhage, macular edema or macular ischemia, or retinal exudates in patients with longstanding diabetes mellitus. This common complication of long-standing diabetes may result in blindness. Strict control of blood sugar levels and of high blood pressure reduces the incidence of the disease. Regular ophthalmological screening helps to detect the disease before it causes irreversible visual loss. Treatment includes retinal laser surgery or vitrectomy.

DR is divided into two groups: non- proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) consisting of blot, dot hemorrhages, exudate, and macular edema; and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), consisting of abnormal new vessels and fibrotic tissue. Approximately 50% of patients who have had diabetes for more than 15 years will have some form of diabetic retinopathy.

See: visual field for illus

eclipse retinopathy

Solar retinopathy.

hypertensive retinopathy

Retinopathy associated with hypertension, toxemia of pregnancy, or glomerulonephritis. Findings on physical examination include a hazy retina, blurred disk margins, distention of retinal arteries, retinal hemorrhages, and white patches in the fundus, esp. surrounding the papilla and at the stellate figure at the macula. Synonym: albuminuric retinitis; albuminuric retinopathy See: Keith-Wagener-Barker classification

retinopathy of prematurity

Abbreviation: ROP
A bilateral disease of the retinal vessels in preterm infants. It is the most prominent cause of blindness among preterm infants. Its cause is unknown despite much research, but oxygen levels and other environmental factors may be factors. The disease is marked by retinal neovascularization in the first weeks of life. Retinal detachment may occur. Cryotherapy or laser photocoagulation can be curative if instituted early in the illness. Synonym: retrolental fibroplasia

In treating preterm infants, it is possible to prevent ROP by using only the lowest possible effective oxygen concentration that will not endanger the life of the infant. Monitoring arterial blood oxygen levels is essential in preventing ROP. Too much restriction of oxygen, however, increases the likelihood of hyaline membrane disease and neurological disorders. All preterm infants treated with supplemental oxygen should be examined carefully by an ophthalmologist before discharge from the hospital. Once blindness develops, there is no effective treatment.

solar retinopathy

Pathological changes in the retina after looking directly at the sun. This condition is seen frequently following an eclipse of the sun. Synonym: eclipse retinopathy See: scotoma, eclipse
arteriovenous nicking
blot hemorrhages
flame-shaped hemorrhages
focal or generalized arteriolar narrowing
hard exudates
macular edema
soft exudates (“cotton-wool”) spots

central serous retinopathy

Abbreviation: CSR
Serous detachment under the macula due to leakage of fluid from the choriocapillaris into the subretinal space between the retina and retinal pigment epithelium. It occurs most often in men aged 20 to 40, typically involves one eye, and often resolves spontaneously. See also: retinopathy


CSRCustomer Service Representative
CSRCommunications Service Request
CSRCertificate Signing Request
CSRCorporate Social Responsibility (business ethics)
CSRCenter for Scientific Review (formerly DRG, NIH)
CSRCustomer Support Representative (various companies)
CSRCommittee on Social Responsibility (various organizations)
CSRComprehensive School Reform
CSRCenter for Scientific Review (NIH)
CSRCorporate Sustainability Reporting
CSRClass Size Reduction
CSRCambridge Silicon Radi (wireless technology; UK)
CSRCenter for Space Research (University of Texas at Austin)
CSRCost Sharing Reduction (Health Insurance Marketplace)
CSRComprehensive Spending Review (UK)
CSRCost-Sharing Reduction
CSRCustomer Satisfaction Rating (survey)
CSRCenter for Space Research (also seen as UTCSR; University of Texas at Austin)
CSRClinical Science Research (various locations)
CSRCommercial Sales Representative (various companies)
CSRComputer Science in Russia (symposium)
CSRCommon Structural Rules
CSRContinuous Speech Recognition
CSRInternational Computer Science Symposium in Russia
CSRComputer Science Symposium in Russia
CSRCompressed Sparse Row (matrix)
CSRComputer Support Representative
CSRContinuous Synopsis Record (International Ship and Port Facility Security code)
CSRCode de la Sécurité Routière (French: Road Safety Code; Canada)
CSRChristian Social Responsibility
CSRClient Side Rendering (web development)
CSRCenter for Strategic Research
CSRChemical Society Reviews (publications)
CSRCertified Shorthand Reporter
CSRCommunicable Disease Surveillance and Response
CSRCredit Suisse Group
CSRColonial Sugar Refinery (various locations)
CSRContinental Shelf Research
CSRClient Service Representative
CSRCollaborative Strategic Reading (education)
CSRClass Switch Recombination (B Cell Receptor)
CSRCustomer Support
CSRCarrier Sensitive Routing
CSRControl Store Ram
CSRCampus Switch Router
CSRCommand Status Register
CSRCode Set Registry
CSRClock Shift Register
CSRClient Server Runtime
CSRCore Security Requirements
CSRCell Switch Router
CSRConti Safety Ring
CSRCell Missequenced Ratio
CSRControl and Status Registers
CSRCitrix Smooth Roaming
CSRCisco Storage Router
CSRCaterham Seven Racing
CSRCenter for Survey Research
CSRChemical Safety Report
CSRCode of State Regulations
CSRCoherent Synchrotron Radiation
CSRControl and Status Register
CSRCustomer Service Record
CSRCouncil Special Report (various organizations)
CSRCultic Studies Review
CSRControl Status Register
CSRCommunity Service Restitution (various locations)
CSRCommunity Service Responsibility (various organizations)
CSRControlled Screen Return
CSRCentre Social Rural (French: Rural Social Center)
CSRCenter for Social Research
CSRCentral Serous Retinopathy
CSRCheyne-Stokes Respiration
CSRCircle Square Ranch (Canada)
CSRComputer Systems Research
CSRChild Support Report
CSRCall Success Rate
CSRClinical Study Report
CSRCell Switch Router (Toshiba)
CSRComposite Schedule of Rates (Pakistan)
CSRConstruction Site Representative (various companies)
CSRChemical Sciences Roundtable (est. 1996)
CSRCivil Service Retirement
CSRConsumer Society Reader (textbook)
CSRConfined Space Rescue
CSRCompiled Service Record (military service)
CSRChip Scale Review (magazine; San Jose, CA)
CSRComputer Sciences Raytheon
CSRCustomer Service Report
CSRCustomer Specification Review
CSRCase Study Report
CSRCentral Station Remote (audio equipment; PreSonus)
CSRConnected Speech Recognition (computer science)
CSRComplete Spatial Randomness (geo-spatial statistics)
CSRCorporate Social and Environmental Reporting (accounting)
CSRClub Subaquatique Ruthénois (French diving club)
CSRCombat Stress Reaction
CSRConsumer Sciences and Retailing (Purdue University; Indiana)
CSRCritical Stress Ratio (earthquake engineering)
CSRClassless Static Route
CSRCorporate Strategic Review (various companies)
CSRCanadian Satellite Radio
CSRCentral Serous Chorioretinopathy
CSRComprehensive Study Report (Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency)
CSRComprehensive Security Review
CSRCulinary School of the Rockies (Boulder, CO)
CSRContinued Stay Review
CSRCompetition Success Review (Indian general knowledge magazine)
CSRCredit Settlement Risk (Visa)
CSRConvention Relating to the Status of Refugees
CSRClub Subaquatique Rouennais (French diving club)
CSRCommunications Standards Review
CSRCampus Sales Representative (various organizations)
CSRCable Spreading Room
CSRCentral Supply Room
CSRCustomer Self Repair
CSRCenter for Shark Research
CSRColor Shaded Relief (maps; aka Colour Shaded Relief)
CSRChannel Status Register
CSRCommander’s Summary Report (US DoD)
CSRCambridge Silicon Radio Limited (single chip wireless company founded in 1998)
CSRCentral Source Registry (US DoD)
CSRControlled Supply Rate
CSRCombat Support Regiment (Australia)
CSRConcept Study Report
CSRCenter for Superconductivity Research
CSRCell Missequenced Ratio (ATMF)
CSRCausal and Statistical Reasoning
CSRContract Status Report
CSRComplete Symphonic Recording (Les Miserables; 1998)
CSRCanadian Seabed Research Ltd.
CSRCenter for Software Reliability
CSRCustomer Support Room
CSRChildren's Software Review
CSRChristian Scholars Review
CSRCanadian Scottish Regiment (Canadian military reserve)
CSRCivil Service Regulation
CSRCommander in Chief’s (CINC’s) Summary Report (US DoD)
CSRCustomer Specific Requirement
CSRCommunity Systemwide Response
CSRClaims Stabilization Reserve (insurance)
CSRCitta Scout Reservation (New Jersey Pine Barrens)
CSRCrank Shaft Rate (spectrum analysis)
CSRCore Server Redundancy
CSRCentre for Substances and Risk Assessment
CSRColegio de Sta. Rosa (Makati, Philippines)
CSRCoastal Station Radio
CSRCzecho-Slovak Republic
CSRCodes, Standards, and Regulations
CSRCertification Status Report
CSRComputer Staff Recruitment
CSRCreation Science Resource
CSRCaseload Statistical Report
CSRContemporary Standard Russian (lingusitics)
CSRCentral Sterilization Room
CSRCommissioned Sales Representative
CSRCalifornia Street Rods
CSRCrew Station Review (NASA)
CSRConway Scenic Railroad
CSRCenter for Sex Research
CSRComputer Service Representative
CSRCoastal Surveillance Radar
CSRCrop Science Registration
CSRCertificate in Sexuality and Religion
CSRSisters of the Holy Redeemer (religious order)
CSRControl Supply Rate
CSRCrop Suitability Rating
CSRCurrent Situation Room
CSRCurrent Science Reviews
CSRCorporate Spending Review
CSRCheck Signal Return (NASA)
CSRCertificate Services Request (File)
CSRContract Status Review
CSRCentre Social Ribetà
CSRContract Summary Report
CSRCohort Survival Ratio
CSRCommand Status Report
CSRCustomer Support Review
CSRCombat Search & Rescue
CSRCommunity Status Report
CSRCrisis Situation Room
CSRCourse Status Report
CSRChief of Staff Regulation
CSRConfined Spaces Regulations 1997 (UK)
CSRCommand Strategic Review (USACE)
CSRCircuit Switch Routing
CSRCochrane Style Resource
CSRCanada Sugar Refinery
CSRChange in Select Resources
CSRCellule Secrète Révolutionnaire
CSRCorps Specification Revisions
CSRCentre Support Rail
CSRCyberspace Relationship
CSRChartered Stenographic Reporter
CSRCooperative Subregistrar
CSRConflict Serialization
CSRCOMSEC Summary Report
CSRCompensation Study Review
CSRCentral Summary Record
CSRCommercial Security Requirements
CSRCombat Surveillance Radar
CSRConditional Safety Requirement
CSRConstruction Suppliers Register
CSRCosta Rica Sign Language (SIL Code)
CSRCo-nect Comprehensive
CSRCutter Support Review (US Coast Guard)
CSRCanine Seropravelence Rates
CSRConlegium Spiriti Refulgentis
CSRCarrier Security Charge (shipping)
CSRClaim Service Record (insurance)
CSRCONUS Sustaining Requirement
CSRCopper Sulfide Rectifier
CSRClock Status Receiver
CSRCommand Strategic Reviews (USACE)
CSRCommunication Service Requirements
CSRCommunications Satellite Relay
CSRCustom Spherical Resin
CSRCheck Status Reply
CSRClamped Speed Regulator
CSRCustomer Specific Route
CSRCustomer Service Ring/Request
CSRCo-axial Single-Pole Relay
CSRCode Sender/Receiver (Ericsson)
CSRContent Service Request (TMN)
CSRCombat Systems Review
CSRCable-Suspended Robot (engineering)
CSRConstant Sum Region (geometry)
CSRClear Standing Room (railways)
ThesaurusSeeCheyne-Stokes respiration




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