bright star in the constellation ScorpiusScorpiusor Scorpio
[Lat.,=the scorpion], conspicuous southern constellation lying on the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path through the heavens) between Sagittarius and Libra; it is one of the constellations of the zodiac.
..... Click the link for more information. ; Bayer designation Lambda Scorpii; 1992 position R.A. 17h33.7m, Dec. −37°06'. A bluish-white star of spectral classspectral class,
in astronomy, a classification of the stars by their spectrum and luminosity. In 1885, E. C. Pickering began the first extensive attempt to classify the stars spectroscopically.
..... Click the link for more information. B1 V, its apparent magnitudemagnitude,
in astronomy, measure of the brightness of a star or other celestial object. The stars cataloged by Ptolemy (2d cent. A.D.), all visible with the unaided eye, were ranked on a brightness scale such that the brightest stars were of 1st magnitude and the dimmest stars
..... Click the link for more information. of 1.62 makes it one of the 25 brightest stars in the sky. Shaula is a spectroscopic binary starbinary star
or binary system,
pair of stars that are held together by their mutual gravitational attraction and revolve about their common center of mass. In 1650 Riccioli made the first binary system discovery, that of the middle star in the Big Dipper's handle, Zeta
..... Click the link for more information. . Its distance from the earth is about 300 light-years. Its name is from the Arabic, meaning "raised part of the scorpion's tail."