educational age
educational age
educational age
‚ej·ə′kā·shən·əl ‚āj
The average achievement of a pupil or student in school subjects based on average performance for a given chronological age as measured by standard educational tests.
make use of somebody
make use of somebody/something
make use of someone
make use of (someone or something)
make use of something
make us hot under the collar
make us into
make us look good
make us mad
make us out
make us out to be
make us over
make us pay through the nose
make us see reason
make us see sense
make us see stars
make us sick
make us the scapegoat
make us the scapegoat for
make us turn over in our grave
make us turn over in our graves
make us up
make (vehicle)
make vibrant sounds
make voice heard
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