

E0191000 (ē′kwə-pŏl′ənt, ĕk′wə-) adj. 1. Equal in force, power, effectiveness, or significance. 2. Logic Validly deducible from each other. 3. Equivalent. n. An equivalent.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin aequipollēns, aequipollent- : aequi-, equi- + pollēns, present participle of pollēre, to be powerful.]
e′qui·pol′lence n. e′qui·pol′lent·ly adv.

equipollence, equipollency

equality between two or more propositions, as when two propositions have the same meaning but are expressed differently. See also agreement.See also: Logic
equalness of force, validity, etc. — equipollent, adj. See also logic.See also: Strength and Weakness
equalness of force, validity, etc. See also logic. — equipollent, adj.See also: Agreement