Dolinsk Settlement

Dolinsk Settlement


the remains of an Early Bronze Age settlement (between the third and second millennium B.C.) near the city of Nal’chik in the Kabarda-Balkar ASSR. The excavations of 1932-33 revealed the remains of rectangular dwellings with wattled walls plastered with clay, clay floors, household pits, and hearths. Implements and weapons (arrowheads, blades for sickles) made of flint and obsidian were found along with pottery (hearth vessel holders, large and small vessels with scarce “pearl” decorations). The features of the objects found resemble those of the Maikop culture. The population of the Dolinsk settlement engaged in stock raising, hunting, and agriculture (using hoes).


Kruglov, A. P., and G. V. Podgaetskii. “Dolinskoe poselenie u goroda Nal’chika.” In Materialy i issledovaniia po arkheologii SSSR, no. 3. Moscow, 1941.
Krupnov, E. l.Drevniaia istoriia ikul’tura Kabardy. Moscow, 1957.
Istoriia Kabardino-Balkarskoi ASSR s drevneishikh vremen do nashikh dnei, vol. 1. Moscow, 1967.