Buffalo Gap, Fort Pierre and Oglala National Grasslands

Buffalo Gap, Fort Pierre and Oglala National Grasslands

Parks Directory of the United States / National GrasslandsAddress:125 N Main St
Chadron, NE 69337

Web: www.fs.fed.us/r2/nebraska
Size: More than 800,000 total acres: 591,727 - Buffalo Gap NG; 94,400 - Oglala NG; 116,178 - Fort Pierre NG.
Location:Buffalo Gap: southwestern South Dakota, abutting the north and west sides of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Accessible by SD 44, I-90, US 79/385, 18, and 14. Nearby cities/towns include Hot Springs, Kadoka, Scenic, and Wall. Fort Pierre: Central South Dakota. Accessible by US 83 and SD 1806. Oglala: in the Nebraska panhandle. Accessible from US 20, 385.
Facilities:Visitor center, dispersed camping, picnic sites, trails, OHV recreation area, stocked ponds.
Activities:Camping, hunting, fishing, hiking, mountain biking, OHV riding, bird watching, rock hounding.
Special Features:Prairie Bike Trail, a 15-mile loop trail; reintroduction site for America's rarest mammal, the black-footed ferret. Richland Wildlife Area includes Richland Reservoir and over 500 acres of mixed grass prairie that is not grazed by livestock. Toadstool Park, where evidence of paleorivers, or ancient rivers, can be seen. Nearby are Badlands National Park and Wind Cave National Park (see entries in national parks section) and Black Hills National Forest (see separate entry in this section).

See other parks in Nebraska.