

单词 false positive

false positive

false positive

n. A test result that is false-positive.

false positive

n 1. (Medicine) a result in a medical test that wrongly indicates the presence of the condition being tested for 2. (Medicine) a person from whom such a result is obtained

false positive

false positive

The erroneous identification of a threat or dangerous condition that turns out to be harmless. False positives often occur in intrusion detection systems. See IDS. Contrast with false negative.

false positive

false pos·i·tive

(fawls poz'i-tiv), 1. A test result that erroneously assigns a patient to a specific diagnostic or reference group, due particularly to insufficiently exact methods of testing. 2. A patient whose test results include that person in a particular diagnostic group to which the person may not truly belong. 3. Term commonly used to denote a false-positive result.

false positive

n. A test result that is false-positive.

false positive

A term of art referring to a person with a positive test result, who does not have a target condition.

false positive

Lab medicine A test result from a Pt who does not have a particular disease, which is positive or detects an analyte that is usually normal. See Four cell diagnostic matrix, Cf False negative.

false pos·i·tive

(fawls poz'i-tiv) 1. A test result that erroneously assigns a person to a specific diagnostic or reference group. 2. A person included by erroneous test results in a particular diagnostic group. 3. A false-positive test result.

False positive

Test results showing a problem when one does not exist.Mentioned in: Stress Test


The extent to which a test gives results that are free from false positives (i.e. people found to have the defect when they are actually free of it). The fewer the number of false positives, the greater is the specificity of the test. It is usually presented as the percentage of people truly identified as not defectives, or normal, referred to as true negatives, D (or correct reject), divided by the total number of not defectives or normal people tested. The total number includes all the true negatives, D, plus the false positives, B (or false alarm). Hence See sensitivity.

false pos·i·tive

(fawls poz'i-tiv) 1. A test result that erroneously assigns a patient to a specific diagnostic or reference group, due particularly to insufficiently exact methods of testing. 2. A patient whose test results include that person in a particular diagnostic group to which the person may not truly belong. 3. Term commonly used to denote a false-positive reaction (q.v.).
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