

单词 clm



Career Limiting Move


CLMCastilla-La Mancha (Spain)
CLMCute Little Monster
CLMCommerce, Law and Management (University of the Witwatersrand; South Africa)
CLMContre la Montre (French: Against the Watch; cycling)
CLMColorectal Liver Metastases (disease)
CLMClaremont (Amtrak station code; Claremont, CA)
CLMCutaneous Larva Migrans (skin disease)
CLMChristian Life Ministries (various locations)
CLMConditional Logit Model
CLMContract Lifecycle Management (SAP)
CLMCloud Lifecycle Management (BMC Software)
CLMCertified Lay Minister (United Methodist Church)
CLMConcordia Lutheran Ministries (Pennsylvania)
CLMCalm (meteorology)
CLMCitrus Leaf Miner (larvae)
CLMCertified Lean Master (supply chain management)
CLMCustomer Lifecycle Management (marketing to customers based on their expected long-term value)
CLMClient Lifecycle Management
CLMCertificate Lifecycle Manager
CLMCommon Lisp Music
CLMContract Lifecycle Management
CLMCirrus Logic Modem
CLMCommon License Manager
CLMCouncil of Logistics Management
CLMCareer Limiting Move
CLMClosed Loop Marketing
CLMCar Location Message (railway shipping software)
CLMChina Love Match (dating site; Hong Kong)
CLMContent Lifecycle Management
CLMCollege-Level Mathematics
CLMCertified Legal Manager (servicemark of Association of Legal Administrators)
CLMCouncil on Litigation Management (New York, NY)
CLMCongés de Longue Maladie (French: Extended Sick Leave)
CLMCegedim Logiciels Médicaux (French medical software company)
CLMConservation of Linear Momentum (physics)
CLMCareer and Life Management (course; Cole Harbour District High School; Canada)
CLMCommon Law Marriage
CLMCertified Lodging Manager (AH&LA Educational Institute)
CLMCisco License Manager
CLMContinuous Learning Module
CLMChristian Life Movement
CLMChannel Length Modulation
CLMCourir le Monde (French: Running the World; marathon)
CLMCompetent Learner Model (teaching program)
CLMCompagnie Lilloise de Moteurs (French: Lille Motor Company; Lille, France)
CLMCommercial Lines Manual
CLMComputer Lab Management (University of California, Davis)
CLMCar Location Message (railroad car)
CLMCandidatus Linguae Mercantilis (Danish academic title)
CLMCitrus/Levy/Marion (Florida counties)
CLMCommand, Leadership and Management
CLMCommunity Leisure Management (New Zealand)
CLMCoastal Luxury Management (Canada)
CLMCentre de Loisirs Maternels (French: Maternal Leisure Center)
CLMClock Module
CLMConstrained Local Minima
CLMConnectionless Multicast (wireless communication)
CLMCare Logic Module (NASA)
CLMCongregational Life Ministries (Church of the Brethren)
CLMComme un Lundi Matin (French: As a Monday Morning; web magazine)
CLMCargo Liberation Movement
CLMCase Load Manager
CLMConstruction Loan Manager
CLMCommunications Link Monitor
CLMCompact Lisp Machine
CLMCase Line Manager
CLMCadena Liviana de Miosina (Spanish)
CLMCorporate Logical Model (Sprint)
CLMCentre des Langues et du Multimédia (French: Center for Languages and Multimedia; Blaise Pascal University)
CLMChief Line Manager
CLMCoated Launch Motor (solid rocket motor design)
CLMCustomer Lead Management
CLMConcise Learning Method (education)
CLMCrate Logistics Manager (Basell Polyolefins UK LTD)
CLMCalled and Left Message
CLMPort Angeles, WA, USA - William Fairchild International Airport (Airport Code)
CLMCommand Lesson Manager (US Army)
CLMCyber Lady Ministries




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